Sunday, July 26, 2015

A short weekend in Scofield

After the Tucker Maxfield family pulled out and were on their way, Neal and I came back in the house and did a few necessary things before doing our own packing to head to Scofield.  Neal needed to do some school work for his classes and I wanted to get a couple loads of laundry completed before leaving.  I'm always a bit afraid to leave the washing machine going when I leaving for fear it might break a pipe or something will go wrong that it will flood over.  We finally left for Scofield about 3:00.  When we arrived, Ron and Judy were waiting for us with a delicious dinner.  We ate, visited, unpacked a few things and then played some bridge before going to bed.  Saturday, Neal and Ron went golfing and Judy and I stayed home and nursed her knee and talked about all her family drama and all mine.  Her situation is a little different because neither her or Ron had any children living at home but the combined family dynamics seem to bring out that same rather ugly and unnecessary scenarios.  She has also experienced the same, "no matter how how I try it isn't good enough" syndrome.  So we did some crying on each others shoulders (so to speak) and a little complaining and some whining and basically felt better when our talking came to an end.  Judy's knee was giving her problems so she took a nap and I went up to my bedroom and read a book (snoozing myself in between pages).  The men got home and we fixed another delicious dinner, played games and then to bed.
Today we went to sacrament meeting at the little Scofield Branch, came back and had a sandwich, sat around and visited before heading home.  It was a delightful weekend and Neal and I enjoyed it immensely!
The first picture is the cabin across the road from Ron and Judy's.  There are four swallow nests.  Their little community is very interesting and very, very messy.
 One or our delicious dinners out on the patio.

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