Sunday, June 30, 2019

Emmi's Miracles

Emmi has had quite a journey since joining the Navy.  She was taking her big fitness test and had pain in her legs that nearly stopped her from finishing her run.  But, Emmi was determined to finish that test and not only finish but pass it.  She has seen many people dropping out, passing out and throwing up.  She wasn't about to give in.  When she had finished she was in so much pain she could hardly walk.  But, she finished and she passed.  The next day she was taken to the hospital in an ambulance where she found out she had stress fractures in both her legs.  Her calves were swollen larger than her throat.  The enzymes reading in her muscles were off the charts.  They kept her in the hospital for three days and then released her.  She had to wait a week to have another blood test to determine if the enzymes had gone back to normal.  If they didn't, she would be sent home and her career with the Navy would come to an end.  Lots of prayers were sent to Heaven in her behalf along with having her name on the prayer rolls of the temple.  Do miracles happen?  Yes.  Are prayers answered?  Absolutely.  She not only got a reading that was normal but was also told that she would be able to move forward with her group.

Now this is where we can be thankful that we belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and that with that membership come miracles and answers to prayers and added little tender mercies.  Annie, of course, has been anxious about Emmi.  Lynda Ann got a phone call today, Sunday, from either the relief society president or the branch president (can't remember which).  The call was to let Annie know that Emmi had been had church that day and was doing great!  I guarantee you that this would only happen in our church. You have to know that the branch leaders are well aware of concerns from parents and that call came to reassure Annie that Emmi was well and happy.

So grateful the we belong to a world wide church that has people all over who care about their flock!
I love this gospel.  I KNOW it is true.  I am so thankful for that knowledge and my testimony!

I will have to write a note of thank you to the person in the branch who recognized the need to make a call home to Emmi's parents.

We love you Emmi and we miss you!!!

Young Love

Abby took these pictures in Star Valley, Wyoming while they were all watching the fireworks.  This is pictures of Tyler and Mallory cuddled up in a blanket watching the explosions in the sky.  These pictures could be used as an advertising picture.  I loved them.  When I saw them I thought of an old 40's song that I grew up singing.  It's called Young Love.  It goes like this:  Young love, first love.  A love with true devotion.  Young love, first love.  A love with real emotion. . . . .   The words may not be exactly right but close enough.

This first picture was taken that day while in Jackson Hole.

So exciting watching this friendship blossom into a romance and love.

A Fun Saturday

Neal and I went golfing Saturday morning and had a great game.  I even parred a couple of holes, which is always a good feeling.  The funny thing that happened is on the last hole I was two shots away from making par.  I hit the ball and it flew directly toward the green.  I could see it hit the ground and start rolling toward the green.  Just as it was ready to roll on the green it hit a "no carts" sign and stopped right under it.  What a bummer!  We had to take a picture of it.  I couldn't do a shot like that again if I tried.  So funny!
After golfing, Neal had bought tickets to a 4th of July barbeque so we stayed and ate and then ran some errands to the mall.  Neal wanted to get his phone looked at and I wanted some socks from Stance  .  Then we stopped and had an ice cream from Farr.  Such a fun Saturday.  We topped off the day by Ron and Judy stopping by to play a few hands of bridge.

Neal's 129th Eagle Slide

This is the latest of Neal's Eagle Slides for the boy scouts.  However, this one was done by someone who paid him $100.00 to do a log and hatchet.  Neal work many hours on this one and it turned out amazing.  He delivered it to a gentleman by the name of Miles Romney who was thrilled with it but didn't bother to give Neal any money for it.  Believe me, the hours and hours of time Neal puts into carving and painting these slides, they are well worth that much and more.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

My Little Surprises

After we said our goodbyes, shed a few tears and gave lots of hugs, we waved goodbye to our California family.  I went back in the house with a sad feeling that it would be a November before we would see each other again.  As I rounded the corner from the kitchen to the front room, I spotted these cards on the table.  Jamie always has the girls and herself write us a thank you.

 The next morning I went to the cupboard to get my vitamin pills and Metamucil.  There was another thank you from Jamie.  How I love this family!
I also got another surprise in the mail when I got home from work on Monday.  Tucker and Jamie had ordered a new Hydro Flask for me and I love it!  Best ever!!!

The Day to Leave

The day for my California family to head home always comes way, way to quickly.  Monday morning brought those moments of saying 'goodbye' and shedding a few sad tears.  Just before they left I told them that we needed to have family prayer and then a selfie.  Those two things are a tradition that I shall try and push every time we are together and are at the point where we have to say 'goodbye'.
Cute picture!

Here are some pictures that Jamie sent me.
Mom and Dad and children.  Left to right:  Lyndsy, Jamie, Tucker, Lynda Ann, Maren and Mindy.
Back two:  Jeff and Greg.  If you don't know the two people in the front then maybe you are reading the wrong blog!
Gam and Pa and he grandchildren.  We are missing Desmond because he was having a tantrum and wouldn't be in the picture.
I'll try and tell you who they are from left to right:
Back row:  Maddie, Jaden, Mallory, River, Andrew, Hayley, Ryan, Grayson, Peyton and Abby.
Front row:  Taylor, Boston, Brock, Jordyn Lyn, Lexi and Abby and of course, Digby!
 The kids playing games.
 Jordyn Lyn and Lexi playing scrabble.

Sunday Dinner

Sunday we had the whole family over for dinner.  I counted 26 all together.  I think I must have done about 3 full loads of dishes, silverware and glasses.  Lynda Ann stood out in the hot sun and barbequed marinated chicken.  That was out of this world.  We also had corn on the cob, baked potatoes, carrots and grapes.  Maren brought a delicious pasta salad. I know there are a lot of pictures taken that day but I haven't seen them all yet so I will post what I have and post others as I get them.
Me and my cute little missionary - oh, returned missionary!

 Playing our family favorite, What Were You Thinking game.
We also played 6-handed Rook until late into the night.  I might add here that I won!

Saturday Night Adult Dinner

We planned a night to have all the siblings with spouses meet at Tres Hombres for dinner.  It was so nice to be able to quietly visit with each other, enjoy good food and just relax around the table.  We had everyone come along with Robert (Mindy's fiancé).

This was a cute picture of one of our waitresses.  She was fascinated with Jeff's height.  Just couldn't believe how tall he was.
 She was having so much fun standing by Jeff and comparing her height to him.
 I told the waitress that it was Maren's birthday so they surprised her with singing happy birthday to her and putting a sombrero on her head.  She also got a free dessert that she passed around for all to share.  Happy birthday Maren!

Just so you know, we didn't forget the kids.  The cousins were at Gam's house and pizza was brought to them by Jamie.  We also had all the grandchildren each write a letter to Emmi.


On the way back from the hike we all decided that stopping and getting some really, really good cookies was a must.  So we drove to Fort Union and went into Crumbles (I think that is the name) and Tucker bought a variety of cookies.  We went home and Jamie cut all the cookies into at least eight pieces each so that we could sample all of them.  Besides the fact that the cookies are too big to eat a whole one and way to sweet.  It was a very fun treat.

Saturday Morning Hike

Saturday morning we all drove up to the trailhead of Doughnut Falls hike.  Lynda Ann's family, Tucker's family and Neal and I.  We had a great time.  It wasn't too hot.  In fact, it was almost on the chilly side.  Perfect weather for hiking.  The hike was great and certainly not extremely hard.  The trail was dry.  Just a week prior there was snow still on the trail.

Some fun pictures of the hike:
Getting ready for the hike.  Sunscreen, water, hats and jackets.
 Annie's kids along with Digby coming up the road.
 Ready to start hiking
 Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters . . . . . .
 Taking a quick breather.
 Our darling returned missionary and gorgeous daughter-in-law!
 Typical picture of grandchildren on a log.  Love it!!!
 The group picture taken by some innocent but nice bystander.
 Here we are at the top of the trail.  We've come as far as the trail and river allows us to go.
 I wish the picture could catch the beauty of the falls, the rushing water and nature.
 The Gertsons with missing two.  Jeff at work and Emmi in the Navy.
 What a cute 'old' couple.  I would dare to say we are fun grandparents and pretty good sports.
 This area was the only part that was a little squeeky.  Luckily, no one slipped off the rocks and no one got wet.
 Andrew just hanging out and waiting for the group to catch up.
 Climbing up the rocks from the river below.  The rest of the trail was easy.
 Mallory with more of the family following behind.
 We took a break from the hike and Tucker and Lexi decided to have a sword fight with their walking sticks.  It appears the dad is overpowering daughter.
 But then daughter comes back strong.
 Mallory, Annie and Abby along with Digby.  So fun to have Mallory back home with us.
 Neal, holding up the two trees?  Whatever!
 Here we are at the trail end.  Waiting for every to catch up.
What a fun hike and a perfect weather day.  After the hike, we loaded up and Annie drove on up the canyon and ran into snow.  We headed down the canyon.  Everyone ended up at our house.