Friday, August 29, 2014

Jamie’s magic fingers!!

I just got this package in the mail.  I am thrilled!  This is beautiful.  LOVE it!!  Thank you, Jamie!  I should enter it in the fair.  You, for sure, would get a blue ribbon!


Swiss Days foiled again!

Annie and I have been planning on going to Swiss Days for the past two weeks.  She arranged for her kids to be picked up for school and I had enough over time to take Friday off.  We also had stuff we had to enter at the fair.  We met at 7:30 at the fair grounds where she was going to leave her car, we would then take the Jeep to Midway and from their to deliver some stuff to Emmi, then back to the fair to enter my cross stitch and Emmi and Mallorys pottery and pin collection. 

Just as we were leaving to head for Midway, Neal called and said that the garage door was broken again.  The chain was all tangled up and he couldn’t get his car out of the garage.  He two classes to teach and needed to get to UVU.  So, Annie jumped back in her car and we went back to our house to let Neal take the Jeep and Annie and I the van.  By the time we had made all this detouring, Annie and I decided that our ‘getting to Swiss Days early’ was long gone.  We decided to just go to Provo and deliver the stuff to Emmi, take her to lunch. 

Here are some pictures from Heritage Halls where Emmi will be housed for this year.  The first two pictures are looking out her kitchen window.  The tower with the Y on it and the Y on the mountain.


The next picture is Annie and Emmi unpacking stuff that Lynda Ann had brought to her.  The second picture is my favorite.  On her desk is a picture of her and Derrick!


The next picture is Emmi pointing at her shelf in the bathroom.  Notice all the stuff on the upper and lower shelf and then Emmi’s.  No girly stuff there.  Just the necessities.  A hair brush, toothpaste and toothbrush. Oh yes, I think there was a razor.   The second picture is Heritage Halls #27.  These are brand new dorms and they are beautiful. 


Emmi needed some stuff at WalMart so we drove over there and while we were shopping who should she run into but Matt Meese from Studio C.  I haven’t seen her that excited in a long time.  She asked him if she could have her picture with him.  She sent it to all her friends.  If you don’t know who Matt Meese is then you’ll have to watch Studio C on the BYU channel. 


The last two pictures are outside Heritage Halls and Emmi pointing to herself in the picture that was taken of all the Freshmen. 


We had a fun day.  Headed back to Salt Lake to go to the Wood Connection, Costco and then on to the fair grounds to official enter my four pieces of counted cross stitch and the pottery and pin collection of the girls.  We were sorry we missed Swiss Days but I totally enjoyed wandering around on BYU campus, hearing the Caroline Bells chiming on the hour, and remembering my years at BYU.  Good memories.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Emmi’s first day at BYU

Lynda Ann and Jeff and Emmi drove down to BYU to get Emmi checked in and settled in Heritage Halls.  Annie said it was a happy and emotional day for all of them.  I told her that last Sunday in Sacrament Meeting the Bishop of the ward was very emotional because his daughter was leaving for college.  Then in RS the RS President broke down saying that her son was leaving for college.  I smiled, thinking of Annie.  She had expressed to me that her biggest concern was if she had taught Emmi everything she needed to know to step out into the college life and snip yet another string of the apron.  I assured her that Emmi was as prepared as any 18 year old could be and that Emmi would not only do fine but excel and grow during her first year of college.  Here are some pictures that Emmi sent to me.

The Jeep packed tightly with all her treasures and needs.


View from her dorm window and view of her living quarters for the next 8 months.  Gam and Pa are proud of you, Emmi!!


Saturday, August 23, 2014

My last and final birthday celebration.

Went to lunch today with Lila Mae and Susan.  Annie had to work so she couldn’t come along.  We had a really fun day shopping and lunching.  We took turns talking about all our troubles.  We had to admit that no ones troubles out weigh anyone else's.  We all have them and have to deal with them as best we can.  I wouldn’t trade mine for Susan’s nor Lila Mae’s, but I would like to just give them away.  Sigh . . . .  But, on a happier note, we did have a great time.  I found a few treasures for myself and got some fun birthday gifts.

My treasure was a fall wreath for the door.  Like it?


I also bought some cute candy dishes to give my sisters that I visit teach to and some silverware that was on sale for $55.00.  It was regularly priced at $139.00.  Oneida is a good brand and sturdy silver.  Oh yes, I also bought some BOO cookie cutters.  Cute, huh?


These were my birthday presents from Lila Mae and Susan.  Lila gave me the CD and the NCIS 11th Season.


Dish towels from Susan that she embroidered.  One for each day of the week.  And the $60.00 to spend at Talbots!  Love that! and the bird thing is a joke that would take way too long to write about. 


Thursday, August 21, 2014

The biggest surprise of my 70th birthday!

Lyndsy called and asked if she could come by and bring my birthday present.  She seemed incredibly excited which certainly peeked my curiosity.  She said she was sorry it was late but all good things are worth waiting for and this present was no exception.  She has been accumulating pictures from 1990 to 1999 and has put them in a book that I know will be looked at over and over and over again.  What a beautiful idea Lyndsy.  Thank you for taking the many hours of your time to put this together for me.  It will be something to pass on for generations.

I only captured the first few pages.  You will just have to come by the house to see the full volume.  Thank you to Maren and Greg, Tucker and Jamie and Derek who also went in on the expense of it and to all the children who contributed pictures and written memories. 


And here is the beginning of the story!  It is hard to read so I will type what she had written between the pictures.

“Here’s a story…. of a Man Named Maxfield…who was bringing up five VERY bratty Kids….Only one had hair of gold, nothing like the others….the youngest one so cute.”

“Here’s a Story… Of a lovely Lady, who had already raised 2 kids of her own.  There was still two of them who lived together, yet they were all alone.”


“Till the one day when this Lady met this Fellow and they knew it was much more than a hunch . . . that this group would somehow form a family…That’s the way we all became the Maxfield Bunch!


And this is the back cover.  And truer words have never been spoken.  I love to laugh and my children have a knack of making me laugh until I can’t breathe.  I have to say, it is usually because of something I’ve said that wasn’t quite right or trying to name a movie and being a bit off.  I’m glad I can laugh at myself and my children can laugh with me and accept me and my ‘blondness’!


Thank you Lyndsy!  What a treasured gift! 

Jeff H. walking down memory lane!

Jeff and Mindy are moving the end of this month and so there is lots of packing to do and along with a move comes deciding what is important to keep and what isn’t.  It is always fun when you unpack boxes that haven’t been opened since our last move and find some treasures.  Jeff sent me these three pictures and they are certainly treasures!

The first picture is Justin and he isn’t very happy!  The second picture is of CJ and he seems a bit on the grumpy side.  And the third picture is the grand finale!  Jeff sporting his football lettermen’s jacket and texting that “It still fits!”  How I wish I still had my pep club uniform.  Don’t have an idea what happened to it.  I’m thinking I could still fit into it.  Maren and Jamie could you two still fit in your cheerleading uniforms?


The Tucker Maxfield’s girls first day of school.

I just had to blog these darling pictures of Jordyn Lyn, Lexi and Peyton as they embarked on their first day of school.  Pictures are timeless.  Even as old as I am, I love looking back at my own baby pictures and school pictures. 


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Off to St. George.

It seems like forever since Neal and I have been anywhere together.  Since he has been sick we have pretty much stayed right here so that he would have access to doctors and emergency rooms when and if necessary.  But things are getting better and we felt that he could be in St. George, handle his situation and if need be, have close access to an emergency room.  We were supposed to go to St. George and from there on down to Mexico but we opted out of Mexico because of Neal’s health issues. 

Neal and I left about 1:00 in our car and Ron and Judy left about the same time in their car.  We would stay in St. George from Wednesday to Sunday.  We would come back to Salt Lake and they would continue on to Mexico. 

We arrived at the condo within 30 minutes of each other.  Judy fixed us a light dinner and we headed off to Tuacon to see Joseph and His Technicolor Dream Coat.  Fabulous production. Judy and I had our picture taken with Pharaoh.  I send the picture to Lynda Ann and her comment came right back “Nice Abs!” 


Thursday found us playing 18 holes of golf at Sun Brook.  We didn’t get a time until 10:30 and by the time we finished in the afternoon – it was hotter than Haddies!!! (I don’t know how to spell that word but you get the message.)  Judy and I played best ball on the back nine and challenged Neal and Ron.  They had to give us a stroke on each hole and I think we beat them!  Thursday night we were back at Tuacon (we bought season tickets) to see The Wizard Of Oz.  Incredible production.  We loved the view from 4th hole.  You can see a panoramic view of St. George. 


Friday morning, Neal went golfing early by himself, Ron had a meeting he had to go to and Judy and I had some shopping that we needed to do.  Judy and I have such a fun time shopping together.  One funny thing that happened is that she came out of a dressing room and I happened to be close by.  She said, “Look how cute these pants are, I just love them.  What do you think?”  I laughed, held up my shopping bag and pulled out a pair (different color) exactly like the ones she had on.  I had just purchased them.  We had a good laugh.  And, yes, she bought them. 

We all got back to the condo about 1:30, fixed some sandwiches, showered and played some bridge until about 7:30 when we headed over to Tuacon to see The Little Mermaid.  Never in my life have I seen such an incredible and creative stage presentation.  It was amazing! 

I have no idea what this Hamstar guy was advertising but we thought he was cute so we took a picture!  Some of the pictures are a bit out of order, but you’ll have to forgive me for that and just enjoy looking at them!



Annie, this lady reminded me so much of Marie Bagley!  I wish you all could have seen her on stage in full costume!  It was incredible.

Saturday morning we got up early land headed out to South Gate.  We started at 8:00 a.m. and finished about 1:30.  Starting that early made all the difference in the world.  It was fun and the heat didn’t get so intense.  We headed back to the condo where we all did our own thing for a little while.  Ron went to the hot tub, Neal and I ran an errand and Judy showered and read.  That evening we fixed a light dinner and stayed in the condo and played bridge.

Sunday morning we attended Sacrament Meeting, cleaned the condo, had a prayer and then said our ‘goodbyes’.  Ron and Judy heading for Mexico for a week and Neal and I headed back to Salt Lake.  Arrived safe and sound about 5:30.  Everything is unpacked and that’s why I’m blogging!  .It was a wonderful get-a-way filled with fun and laughing until I couldn’t breathe!  It is always a fun time vacationing with the Stanfields.  Nice to be home safe and sound and ready to begin a new week. 


I have to say that I LOVE the cleaners but there are some things that I just can’t justify taking there.  For instance, Neal’s golf shirts, his golf shorts, t-shirts and my sports stuff.  Consequently, there seems to be a pile of them that accumulate over a month and I have to get out the ironing board and iron and get them ironed, folded or hung up and put away before the next pile accumulates.  This was my pile of ironing that I had to get done before we left for St. George.  By the way, ironing in the summer is torture – so thank goodness for air conditioning!  We are so spoiled!


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Thanks Emmi! Desmond is finally accounted for.

A great big thank you to Emmi for getting Desmond up on the grandchildren board.  She made me a couple extra boys and girls just in case there just happens to be another grandchild coming to our family.  One never knows and it is best to be prepared for the just in case scenarios!  Desmond makes a nice round number of 20!


The final day

Saturday rolled around all too soon and surprisingly enough we only had one mishap the whole time the cousins were together.  Peyton stayed out at Lynda Ann’s on Friday night.  All of the kids were having a good time along with Peyton.  She was jumping on the trampoline and somehow twisted or fractured her ankle.  Lynda Ann got home about 12:30 and took Peyton the the emergency room and they put a splint on her ankle.  This morning when Annie brought Peyton and the other cousins back to Salt Lake, Jamie decided to take Peyton to Insta-care to have her ankle x-rayed.  The doctor at Insta-care said she couldn’t tell for sure if there was a fracture or not so they put a boot on her ankle and gave Jamie a copy of the x-ray to show to their doctor in California and then they could determine exactly what the issue was.

While all this was going on the rest of the kids decided that they all wanted to swim together for one last time.  Mindy went out to the pool to watch the kids and the rest of us followed.  These are some fun pictures of the kids swimming.


After swimming and lunch came the always very sad ‘goodbyes’.  We had family prayer with Tucker and his family just prior to them leaving and then as usual, the tears came to the surface for many of us.  Peyton and I seem to have the hardest time.


These two pictures tell it all and you know feel what they are feeling.


Goodbye Tucker, Jamie, Jordyn Lyn, Lexi and Pey Pey.  We LOVE you all and will miss you greatly until Thanksgiving!  That gives us something to look forward to.  Have a safe trip home. 
