Thursday, May 31, 2018

Scofield for Memorial Weekend

We were invited to go up to Scofield for the Memorial Day weekend.  We love the cabin and always love being invited.  Neal and Ron left Friday about noon to golf on their way.  I picked up Judy about 3:30 and we headed up.  We fixed dinner when we got there and the boys joined us shortly after.  We had a wonderful 4 days.  We had great meals, played lots of bridge, watched some Criminal Minds Episodes and I helped Judy do the Spring cleaning on the cabin while Ron worked on the deck railing and Neal did some carving.  We attended church on Sunday and spent most of the rest of the day inside as it rained off and on.  Ron found a flag and had Neal hang the flag up for the holiday.

It is always fun to have a fire going in the stove and be able to stay cozy warm in the cabin when the weather isn't perfect outside.
 Neal and Judy being patriotic.  Great picture.  Notice Neal is white hair, red shirt and blue levis.  Very patriotic!!
We left for home on Monday at 5:00.  It took us over 2 1/2 hours to make the trip home.  It is normally about an hour and a half  at the most.  Here are a couple pictures of the crazy traffic coming out of the canyon.  Once we got on I-15 we breezed right home.

It is hard to appreciate how long the line of cars were but believe me you could see cars ahead as far as you could see and we were only going about 3 to 5 miles an hour.  But, all in all we had a wonderful time and were glad to get home safe and sound.

Scounting Years May Have Come To An End

Neal got a call from the Stake Clerk that President Little wanted to see him Wednesday evening at 8:45.  One always speculates what that meeting might consist of and what it is all about.  The Stake Clerk told Neal that I should come along if I was available.  So, we went over to the Stake Offices and into President Little's office where he gently informed Neal that they were reorganizing the Stake Young Men's Presidency and they would release him on Sunday.  President Little thanked him for his many years of service to the stake and the young men of the stake and told him what a great influence for good he had been on the young men.

When we got home, I asked Neal how he was feeling and I could tell that he was feeling sad that the scouting program for the church was on it's way out and that his involvement in the scouting program would probably become close to non-existent.  50 years of scouting is a long time to be involved in a program.

Neal was very happy that he had just finished two slides for two of the young men leaders.  He did a fish for one and a shell casing for another.  Here are the two slides he carved and gave away.

The shotgun shell he carved at the cabin and then painted it when we got home.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Neal's planters

It must be Spring and it must be after Mother's Day because Neal has just about got all his patio pots, front porch pots and pool pots planted and ready for the sunshine.  He worked on them until about 10:30 p.m. last night.  They are gorgeous.

A Belated Mother's Day Celebration

Saturday, Lila Mae, Susan and I met in Orem to do some shopping, have lunch and wish each other a Happy belated Mother's Day and exchange presents.  We had a delightful day.  I'm not allowed to take pictures of Susan so I only have pictures of what was given me.

Susan gave me the stackable shoe boxes.  I often wonder how she knows what I need but she seems to come through with stuff I needed.  She also gave me a grab bag that you put in your shopping cart at the grocery store and you can just carry out the bag without have a bazillion grocery bags that you don't know what to do with when you get them home.  Along with that I got a $50.00 gift card to Talbots!  Yahoo - More clothes.
 Lila Mae gave me this beautiful Hummel creation.  I didn't even take the foam off the trumpet because I wanted to put it away safely until the holidays.

May 20th

Mindy text me first thing this morning with a baby picture of Jeff's.  We are all thinking about him today especially.  He would have been 50 years old!  Wow!  50 years.  How would you have handled turning 50?

I love this picture because I'm enfolded in Jeff's arms and I can feel the love when I look at the picture.  The smile is great and the feeling of the whole picture is genuine.
As I sat in Sacrament Meeting this morning and sang the song "Where Can I Turn For Peace", I let the tears gently roll down my cheeks.  I love you Jeff.  I miss you and I think of you all the time.  I know you are with us when we need you.  That brings me solace.

When I walked in from church and rounded the corner to go upstairs I noticed that this flower that was given to me a few days after you left us, was in full bloom.  It was as if Jeff were saying, "I'm here and I love you mom."  then I noticed the statue of the Savior looking down at the sign that says, "Families are Forever"  That is where I find my peace.
"Though we don't know all things, we know that God lives and that he loves us.  Standing on that firm foundation, we an reach up and find strength to endure the heavy burdens of life."
President Russell M. Nelson

Monday, May 14, 2018

Sunday thought

"The creation, great as it is, is not an end in itself but a means to an end.
We come to the earth for a brief period of time, endure our tests and trials, and prepare to move onward and upward to a glorious homecoming.  Our thoughts and deeds while here will surely be more purposeful if we understand God's plan and are thankful for and obedient to His commandments."

Russell M. Nelson

Fun Mother's Day gifts

Annie and Jeff brought back some darling salt and pepper shakers from Alaska.  I absolutely love them!
Today when I got home from work I found a package on my front porch from the Maxfield family in California.  I was thrilled when I open it.  Jamie always manages go come up with unique and well thought out gifts.  This is a catch all bag and a tote bag.  The tote bag will be used to put all my counted cross stitch stuff in (and there is a lot of stuff!)  The catch all bag will fill up quickly.  There is always 'stuff' that we are not sure where it should go.  This bag will come in handy!

Thanks Gertsons and Maxfields for great Mother's Day gifts.  Love them!!!!

Mother's Day

Mother's Day morning was spent at church.  Neal and I went to all our meetings and then home to change and gather food to take out to Annie's for dinner.  Mallory was calling home at 6:30 and Neal and I were invited by Mallory to be there so she could talk to us along with her family.  We had a delicious dinner and we all anxiously awaited the ringing of the phone.  It was so exciting to be able to skype with Mallory and see and experience her happy countenance.  She kept saying how much she loved Tennessee and being a missionary.  She was happy and animated the whole time she was on the phone with us.

It was pouring down rain while Annie was cooking the steaks.
I had to take a picture of everyone gathered around the TV as we all got to talk to Mallory and ask her questions and laugh and shed happy tears.
 Doesn't she look like a very happy missionary.  Mallory, we are so proud of you and your service to your Father in Heaven in spreading his gospel of truth to the people in Tennessee.  We pray for you daily.
 We were able to talk with Mallory for 40 minutes and then she had to go.  We sure miss you, but so happy that you are happy and well.

Andrew's first dance

Emmi sent me this picture of Andrew as he was ready to go to his first dance.  Apparently he has a new girl friend these days.  She even told him that she liked him and he told her that he liked her too. Young love is budding!
Pretty handsome looking young man!

Cruise to Alaska

Annie and Jeff were given an Alaskan cruise for the wedding anniversary.  Annie sent me a couple pictures while they were on the cruise.  They were with Dan and Jill Thurber (the ones who gave them the gift).  Lynda Ann said that it was everything she had hoped it would be.  They got to see lots of eagles and some hump back whales.  She said she spent most of her time on the deck of the ship.  She did not want to miss one thing.  She and Jill went kayaking and loved it.  The saw many glaciers and she said the pine trees were absolutely gorgeous.  Unlike most people, she couldn't get enough of them.  She does love nature and it's beauty.

 This is a picture of  Juneau, Alaska.  She said it was beautiful.
 This is a picture of Jeff and Dan at Mendenhall Glacier.
She said the whole trip was amazing!

Andrews Concert

Andrew invited me to come to his band concert.  He is playing percussion and loves it.  Jeff and Annie were on their cruise to Alaska and was worried that there wouldn't be any family there to support him.  I drove out right after work and took Andrew, Abby and Hayley to the hamburger joint and then off to the concert.  The concert was great and I was happy to be there to support Andrew Man.  Some pictures of his concert.

 Andrew is on the back left.  You can just barely see his head peeking over the music stand.  The left side looking at the picture.

 This is Andrew helping put all the percussion instruments away after the concert.
The concert was great and I was proud of Andrew.  Thanks, Andrew, for letting me be a part of it.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Update of Stitching

I think I forgot to post this on May 1st but it is only May 6th so I'm not too far behind.  Slowly making progress and loving this counted cross that I'm doing.
A Sunday wisdom from Russel M. Nelson:

"Hobbies can aid in spiritual development.  Worthy music, dance, art, and writing are among the creative activities that can enrich the soul.  A good hobby can dispel heartache and give zest to life."

I love that and I think my stitching fits right into a good hobby!

Boston's Eighth Birthday

It is hard to believe that our 2nd youngest grandson turned 8.  Our grandchildren are all moving in the teen and college age group.

Boston was asked who he wanted to speak at his baptism.  He first said he wanted Brock but apparently Brock flat out refused.  So his 2nd choice was his Gam.  I was flattered and happy to be asked.  I had then understanding that I would be speaking on the Holy Ghost.  But when we got to the baptism I saw on the program that I was speaking on baptism and someone else was speaking on the Holy Ghost.  So when I got up I simply said that because of a misunderstanding I would simply let the spirit guide my thoughts and I would speak on baptism and not give the talk I had prepared.  (I think it was okay).

Boston was baptized by his father and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by his grandfather, Neal Maxfield.  His "Pa" gave him a beautiful blessing.

We love you, Mr. Boston, and proud of your decision to be baptized.

 Neal and I picked up Lyndsy, River and Desmond and head to Herriman.  Lyndsy's car was in shop getting fixed.  We got out to Maren'a a little early and went to their home and gave Boston his birthday present and his baptism towel.
 Maren wanted some pictures taken when we got to the Stake Center.  Such a good looking family!
 Picture with Dan and Sylvia, Greg's parents.

After the baptism, we all went over to Maren and Greg's home for a delicious lunch to celebrate the baptism and Boston's birthday.

 The lunch was delicious!  Maren did a beautiful job of hosting a large group for dinner.
 Boston's birthday cake.  We all sang happy birthday to him.
 I'm not sure he was totally enjoying all the attention.  But, I think it was a happy day for him.
After the party Neal and I went with Maren and Greg to see their lot that they will soon be building a new home on.  One that will be wheelchair assessable for Taylor.
 Greg meeting their soon to be neighbor for the first time.  Greg is pretty much standing in the middle of their lot. looking toward the Bingham Copper Mine.
Some more fun pictures of the day.