Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Too Cute Not to Post

I had Sprout outside today.  It was an absolutely gorgeous day.  Neal just bought two pumpkins to sit on the porch so I had to get a couple pictures of Sprout.  I was surprised that he stayed still for a second.


Fall Weather

 The Fall weather has been everything Utah promises every year.  Just gorgeous and so colorful.  Today the wind is blowing like crazy and the leaves are starting to dance on the limbs and then swirl down to the ground.  My favorite thing to watch.  

I thought of a story my mother told me years ago.  It is called "The Two Leaves.  Perfect for this time of the year. 

The leaves were falling from the great oak at the meadow's edge.  They were falling from all the trees.  One branch of the oak reached high above the others and stretched far out over the meadow.  Two leaves clung to its very tip.

"It isn't the way it used to be," said one leaf to the other.  

"No", the other leaf answered, "So many of us have fallen off tonight, we're almost the only ones left on our branch." 

 "You never know who's going to go next," said the first leaf.  "Even when it was warm and the sun shone, a storm or a cloudburst would come sometimes, and many leaves were torn off, though they were still young.  You never know who's going to go next."  

The sun seldom shines now," sighed the second leaf, "and when it does it gives no warmth.  We must have warmth again."  

"Can it be true," said the first leaf, "  Can it really be true, that others come to take our place when we're gone and after them still others, and more and more?"

"It is really true," whispered the second leaf.  "We can't even begin to imagine it.  Its beyond our powers."

"It makes me very sad," add the first leaf.

They were silent for a while.  Then the first leaf said quietly to herself, "Why must we fall . . .?"

The second leaf asked, "What happens to us when we have fallen?"

"We sink down . . ."

"What is under us?" 

The fist leaf answered, "I don't know.  Some say one thing , some another, but nobody knows."

The second leaf asked, "Do we feel anything?  Do we know anything about ourselves when we're down there?"

The first leaf answered, "Who knows?  Not one of all those down there have ever come back to tell us about it."

They were silent again.  Then the first leaf said tenderly to the other, "Don't worry so much about it.  You're trembling."

"That's nothing," the second leaf answered, "I tremble at the least thing now.  I don't feel so sure of my hold as I sued to."

"Let's not talk any more about such things, "Said the first leaf.

The other replied, "No, we'll let it be.  But - what else shall we talk about?"  She was silent and then went on after a little while.  "Which of us shall go first?"

"There's still plenty of time to worry about that," the other leaf assured her.  "Let's remember how beautiful it was, how wonderful, when the sun came out and shone so warmly that we thought we'd burst with life.  Do you remember?  And the morning dew, and the mild and splendid nights. . . "

"Now the nights are dreadful," said the second leaf, and there is no end to them."

"We shouldn't complain," said the first leaf gently, "We've outlived many, many others."

"Have I changed much?" asked the second leaf shyly but determinedly.

"Not in the least," the first leaf assured her.  "You only think so because I've got to be so yellow and ugly.  But its different in your case."

"You're fooling me", said the second leaf said.

"No, really," the first leaf exclaimed eagerly, "believe me you're as lovely as the day you were born.  Here and there may be a little yellow spot but it's hardly noticeable and only makes you handsomer, believe me."

"Thanks," whispered the second leaf, quite touched, "I don't believe you, not altogether, but I thank you because you're so kind.  You've always been so kind to me.  I'm just beginning to understand how kind you are."

"Hush," said the other leaf, and she kept silent herself for she was too troubled to talk anymore.

Then they were both silent.  Hours passes.  A moist wind blew, cold and hostile, through the tree tops.  

"Ah, now." said the second leaf.  "I . . . . "  Then her voice broke off.  She was torn from her place and spun down.

Winter had come.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Little Things

Usually the little things are the big things.  I sat in Church on Sunday and thought about that a lot.  Every day has it's challenges so we need to look for what makes you smile and be thankful for the little things.  I began doing just that and thought about how many  little things are a part of my life that make me happy.  Music, the song of the birds, watching the squirrels, my new puppy and of course, rainbows, just to mention a few. " 

You know the saying from L. M. Montgomery's Annie of Green Gables.  "I'm so glad I live in a world where there is an October! "  I will modify that and say I'm so glad I live in a valley of changing colors, Fall and the four seasons to look forward to.  Each one bringing with it, it's own beauty.  

And for this day, those are the little things that are big things.  

New Member of the Family

Let me introduce you to Sprout, our new little King Charles Cavalier mix.  He his 75% Cavalier according to his DNA record.

His little play pen or holding pen when we are away from the house.  He obviously isn't house broken and won't be for a few weeks so leaving him out to roam the house isn't a good idea at this point.  

He was born August 19th and he was brought to us this last Saturday.  Mallory and Brinkley were here for the occasion and it was so fun to see Brinkley play with him and be his friend.  They ran around the back yard for a little bit and it was fun to watch.  Mallory and Brinkley had come Friday evening for a concert.  I tended Brinkley while Mallory and her mom and dad went to the concert downtown.  Mallory stayed with us Friday night and then spent all day with us on Saturday.  It was good for Sprout to have Brinkley to help him get used to a new house and new surroundings.  

Sprout has won Neal's heart as well.  

Friday, October 20, 2023

Brian Head Cabin

 Neal and I along with Lynda Ann and Andrew made a trip South to Brian Head.  Neal was most anxious to see the cabin that we have rented for our 80th birthday celebration.  And we all wanted to look around and get an idea of what is available.  We left Wednesday morning about 7:30 and headed South.  I drove as far as Parowan, just North of Cedar City, where we made a pit stop and changed drivers.  Lynda Ann drove us from there up to the resort and the cabin.  The cabin is amazing and gorgeous.  The main floor has 4 bedrooms.  The upstairs, kind of loft area as two bedrooms and the downstairs has a bunk room with bunk beds lined along both long walls.  They are all beautifully built.  Bathrooms for every bedroom plus two bathrooms in the downstairs.  It is gorgeous and should easily house our family for the week in July that we've rented it.  

We wandered around the resort for a while, checking out all the things that we could do there in the summer and then stopped for a bite to eat before heading back to Salt Lake.  Neal, Annie and I had Mexican Food and Andrew opted for pizza.  It was delicious.

We wanted to get a picture of the entrance to Brian Head but there wasn't any place to pull over going down the canyon so Annie took the picture really quick before we saw a car coming up behind us.  Great job Annie!

It was a beautiful day for an outing.  It took us a little over 3 hours to get there.  We had a fun time talking on the way down and back.  Annie made some comment about something being "Jimmy rigged" instead of "Jerry rigged" and Andrew completely lost it, he was laughing so hard.  He must have laughed off and on the whole way home.  There was one other incident where I asked Andrew to pass me a Hostess donut.  He picked up the bag and opened it and smelled it before passing it back to me.  Lynda Ann said, "He just sniffed them, he didn't touch them."  Well, needless to say, that brought on laughs that went on forever.  You probably had to be there to appreciate that story, but trust me, it was hilarious.  Just the way she said it so nonchalantly, totally cracked us all up.  Fun times!  Fun day trip!

Sunday, October 15, 2023

October Birthdays

 October is a busy month for birthdays,  Taylor, Mallory, Tucker, Greg, Peyton and my sister Lila Mae.  Mallory and I went to the Provo Temple on Saturday, Lila's birthday, and did a session.  The minute I walked into the temple I felt Lila's presence.  She knows how much I love her and miss her.  After the session, Mallory and I had lunch at P.F. Chang and then did some shopping.  Mallory has just been called to be the first counselor in the RS Presidency and has already been asked to speak in Stake Leadership Meeting.  I always felt better if I had something new to wear when I had to give a talk at a meeting so we shopped for Mallory a new dress.  Which, BTW we found.  We wandered around the mall and just enjoyed our time together.  I dropped her off at her apartment and headed home.  

I have to say that the Provo Temple (the old Tabernacle) is absolutely gorgeous inside and brings back so many wonderful childhood and teen memories.  That is where we held all of our stake meetings.  That is where Annette sang and that is where I would always talk my mother into sitting in the balcony.  I loved going up the winding stairs to the balcony.  Almost like being in a castle tower.  Oh what things a young mind could imagine as we wound up the staircase in that narrow tower.

Thursday evening, which was the actual birth date for Mallory found us at the Brick Oven for dinner with all the Gertsons (except Abby and Emmi).  We had a delicious dinner of pizza, drinks, garlic bread, bread sticks, etc.  After we headed over to Mallory's apartment so she could open her gifts.  Annie had also made the traditional Birthday Cookie Cake.  

A fun Christmas shirt that Annie made for Mallory.

Brinkley loves to tear the paper off the presents.  He is so careful and very gentle.  Here he was helping Mallory open one of her presents.

Ice maker from her mom and dad.
Neal doing his usual pose at any gathering.  Yup, I sent this to Tucker to add to his collection.
Mallory with the traditional birthday cookie cake.

Love this grandson of mine!
I don't think of myself as 'short' until someone takes a picture or with these two!


I saw this sweatshirt and somehow thought of myself.  I LOVE it.  Yup, I'm more than happy to put on the hat when necessary.  There have been a few moments where I wore the hat and where someone thought I was the witch!!!  Proud of it.

Monday, October 9, 2023


 I really loved President Nelson's words in his most recent talk, "Please don't let your prayers sound like a shopping list.  The Lord's perspective transcends your mortal wisdom.  His response to your prayers may surprise you . . . rather than focus on the excruciating difficulties of the day, our prayers can be - and should be - living discussions with our Heavenly Father."

So, I have been thinking about what "may surprise you" means.  Like a good surprise or maybe a bad one?  I'm joking :-) I know that everything that comes from the Lord is good.  President Nelson also says, ". . . . do the spiritual work to increase your capacity to receive personal revelation."  So, that is what I'm trying to do.  Read my scriptures each day, daily prayer, etc.  I am so fortunate to have a Heavenly Father who care about me and my family and our lives on earth.  And while we try to figure it all out, we get to live in a world with beautiful Fall leaves, crisp mornings, squirrels and birds, pumpkins, gorgeous warm days and crisp Fall evenings.  I am reminded of the primary song, "I think the world is glorious and lovely as can be.  The birds and bees and blossoms bring sweet messages to me."

Fun Saturday

 Neal and I along with Jeff and Norm golfed at Thanksgiving Point on Saturday to help raise money for Brock's Lacrosse team.  We had such a fun day.  Thanksgiving Point is not an easy golf course for women.  Very challenging and really long 4 and 5 pars.  But between Neal, Norm and Jeff we were able to conquer those long pars with their long drives.  Jeff and Norm shared a cart and Neal and I shared the other cart.  We were served a continental breakfast before the event began at 9:00 and then served a delicious lunch at the end.  Lot of prizes were bid on and awarded.  I ended up winning a really nice canvas bag and Norm won the rental of a bounce house.  He will love that for his grandchildren.  We didn't win a prize for the best score but all four of us won the prize for having the most fun on a gorgeous Fall day!  Glad we were able to support our grandson.  We love you Brock and good luck with your games this season.

Norm's bounce house certificate.  We need to get it to him.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

A Sweet Note

 I wandered down to the mailbox the other day to retrieve the delivered mail that would mostly consist of magazines, ads and always a bill or two.  As I was walking back to the house and leafing through the mail I came across a pink envelope address to "Gam" and up in the left corner was "Mallory".  I waited until I got in the house and went in the front room by myself to read what she had to say.  Her words of love brought happy tears to my eyes and on my cheeks.  Maybe if more of us would spend more time writing what we love about someone rather than looking for what we don't like about them - the world would be a happier place.  Thank you Mallory for making my world a better place because you are in it.

October General Conference

 I always look forward to General Conference.  I love the way I feel as the talks are being delivered and having the Holy Ghost bear witness to me that the things I'm hearing are true.  Conference left me feeling overwhelmed with love, gratitude and truth.  It inspired me to become a better person, try harder and keep my covenants with my Heavenly Father, which will help me grow and improve.  

Here are some thoughts expressed during the Saturday and Sunday sessions:

Gary E. Stevenson:  "If you hope to feel the spirit, be in a place where the spirit can easily dwell."

Tamara Runia:  "It is my witness that the Savior has the ability, because of His atonement, to turn any nightmare you are going through into a blessing."

David A. Bednar:  "Serve and grow faithfully and quietly."  

And the closing remarks by President Nelson to "Think Celestial.  And "When you make choices take the long view, the eternal view."  "Think Celestial!"