Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Emmi in Italy

 Emmi has sent lots of fun pictures of her time in Italy.  I won't post them all but will post a few.  She also mentioned that she loves wearing her BYU jacket because she always runs into people who recognize her as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  She said this trip was no exception.  She was on a train and saw a couple across from her and they immediately recognized the Y on her jacket.  They said that they were recent graduates of BYU.  So fun for Emmi.

She mentioned that ordering at the different cafes was a challenge as the menus are not in English - obviously.  But she said she did pretty good.

We will have to have a picture show from Emmi when she gets home so she can tell us all about these pictures and just where in Italy she was.  This is some huge cave that she was in.

She did mention that their next stop would be Rome.  So much to see there.  I remember Rome and it was incredible.  She also mentioned how old everything is in Europe compared to America.

Excitement in Annie's Backyard

Lynda Ann said that she and Jeff were awakened at 5:30 a.m. by a loud crash.  The hoped in their car and drove around to the street behind their house and this is what they saw.

 Thank goodness the tree stopped the car from going through their back fence and into their backyard.  Annie said that they saw a kid run from the car.  She and Jeff waited for the police to show up and gave them information that they had.  The sad thing is that they will never know what the situation was about.  Was it a teenager?  Did he steal the car?  Did he take his parents car?  Etc., etc.  Annie said the amazing thing is that the tree only lost a little bark and except for the front of the car the rest of it was in perfect condition.  Crazy situation.

Finished Project and the new project

 Finally finished the Secret Santa.  One of the hardest ones I've done.  It looks easy but it was hard.  The glasses were a real challenge.  I had to thread the gold thread and then thread another needle with light yellow thread and as I shaped the glasses I had to carefully tack them down in different places.  This has to be one of my favorite projects.  

This is the one I'm working on now.  The designer of this is one of my favorite designers.  

Sunday Thoughts

 Emmi has a lot going on in her life right now and lots of decisions that she will be making in the next little while.  As she talked to her mom she said she was stressing out and that she had been on her knees a lot lately praying for answers about her future with the navy.  I in turn became concerned about her.  I remember so many times when I was growing up that my mother, sensing that I was struggling , would write me her thoughts.  Those letters became very precious to me and I have them still.  I wrote this letter - an email- to Emmi hoping that it would give assurance like my mother's letters to me.

Dear Emmi,

I know you are struggling right now and waiting to get answers from our Father in Heaven as to what direction you are supposed to go.  I am grateful for standards and commandments that keep us healthy, happy and safe.  Grateful that you are living those commandments and standards.  Your answers will come.  

    "Heavenly Father has given you talents and spiritual gifts.  He wants you to use these gifts and talents to be happy and bless others.  You once lived with Heavenly Father, who knows everything and loves everyone.  He wants you to be like him!  He gave you a body, abilities and spiritual gifts.  He wants you and all of His children to discover and develop these gifts.  He gave us a plan to help us be happy and bless others."

Those things are often made fun of and criticized in today's world.  In your home and in mine and Pa's, they are celebrated, and as a result, we're happy - even when things are hard and overwhelming.  I know that you have a lot of decisions you need to make in the next couple of years.  Just have faith that the Lord will council you and guide you in the direction He wants you to go.  I love you deeply and you are in my daily prayers asking that you are safe, feel of our love , your families love and Heavenly Father's love.  Be brave, be happy, hold tight to the iron rod and keep your chin up.



Tuesday, April 19, 2022


 I left work early on Monday, met Neal at the salon and we had our feet done.  So nice to have pedicures and have our toes looking nice and ready for Spring and flip-flops and sandals.   Of course Neal fell asleep and I had to take a picture!  Feeling very spoiled!

Easter Sunday

 In the late afternoon of Easter Sunday, Neal and I were invited out to Lynda Ann and Jeffrey's for an Easter feast.  Annie had roast, potatoes, gravy along with carrots and layered jello.  Dinner was delicious.  We also had time to play a game before dinner.  

These were the individual layered jello servings.  They were delicious!

This was the bunny cake we took out to Annie's.

We had a very fun evening with the Gertsons and I was happy not to have to prepare a huge dinner like I usually do.  Not sure I will ever do it again.  So much fun to just spend time at Maren's and Annie's.

Thank you both for making our Easter weekend so fun and eventful and free from stress when I had so much to prepare for and going on.  

Sunday Thoughts

 Easter Sunday was a stressful but very satisfying day for me.  I had been asked to speak in Sacrament Meeting and following Sacrament Meeting I had to teach gospel doctrine.  Talk about a lot of pressure on me.  I'm not going to type my whole talk but I'll just put in a few excerpts from it.  

We celebrate Easter to remind us of what Christ did for us and then to feel gratitude.  I told them that I had seen an Easter video that after reciting meaningful verses of scripture, each participant held up a picture of a family member that had passed away - someone they longed to be reunited with.  The video impacted me deeply.  It made me think of Jeffrey, that we lost six years ago.  My heart suddenly longed to see him again, to hear him say, "hello Mother' and feel his arms around me.  

It made me think of that future day of our reunion and it deepened my appreciation for the Savior's wonderful gift.  

I also told the story of how Lynda Ann had saved my life.  You'll have to read the talk to find out how that fit in.  

I put together a list of things I take for granted, things I would not have if it were not for the Savior.

Because of Him, there are scriptures, apostles, prophets and revelations.  Death has no permanent sting.  We have agency, accountability, salvation, and exaltation.  We have the priesthood, patriarchal blessings that provide us healing, comfort, strength, guidance, and meaning in our lives.  

Because of Him there are stars in the sky, rain drops, rainbows and snowcapped mountains.  Because of Him our prayers go instantly to the throne of God no matter who we are, where we are, or how quietly those prayers are uttered.

Because of Him there is a sacred grove.  We have temples and we have hope, forgiveness and new beginnings.  Because of Him there is no end.

I ended by saying that t doesn't matter whether we journey to the holy lands to walk in our Savior's footsteps or follow them here at home.  What matters is we follow them.  

On this Easter Sunday the message from a thousand sermons can be summed up in this song,

"I know that my Redeemer Lives"

To all my posterity I testify that Jesus Is the Christ.  How great the love of our Heavenly Father has for us that He would send His only Begotten Son to suffer and die for the rest of His children.  "For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  

Easter reminds us that we do not serve a God who is still in the tomb, we serve a God who the tomb could not hold.  The Savior is on the hillside watching over us.

We can find strength in times of trial and hardship by calling on the Lord.  He may not always immediately relieve our burdens like we want, but I know, He will strengthen us in our time of need.  He can make our burdens light and give us comfort through His Spirit and through may others that he puts into our lives.

My Little Namesake Missionary

 Abby posted this on Instagram and Facebook.  Believe me I was very flattered.

I can't wait to show it to Lila Mae.  This is one of my favorite pictures of two sisters who love each other very much.  This picture was taken on Lila Mae's 90th birthday.

Easter Dinner at Maren and Gregs

 The Friday night before Easter, Neal and I were invited out to Maren's for dinner and to color Easter eggs.  Greg had grilled some delicious steaks.  Maren made funeral potatoes, carrots and home made rolls.  Everything was absolutely delicious.  It was fun to spend some time with the Cutlers.  We had a nice visit with Greg and Maren and the kids.  So enjoyed the evening.  While we were there, Taylor decided that she wanted one of her ear rings replaced.  It was one that had to be screwed on and believe me was not one that could be changed easily.  It took Maren and Brock working with tweezers and pliers to try and get the little ball unscrewed.  Brock was the one who finally was able to get it off.  It was quite an ordeal and then he helped her put another ear ring back in.  

Derek called and we were able to spend about an hour or more talking with him.  He sounded a bit down and said that the last three months have been the hardest he has gone through.  He said China is shut down again and the circus is closed and the schools are closed.  He said he just has Frankie to keep him occupied.  He also said the Margo wants to come to the US to study the artistry of make up.  

Thanks Cutlers for a wonderful evening and great food!  

Mallory's Final

 Mallory had a final in her writing class at BYU.  She wanted to use Brinkley as part of her presentation.  She asked if I would come down and sit with Brinkley out in the hallway until it was time for her to have him come into the classroom.  I got to Provo and to her apartment just a few minutes before she did and while I was waiting, had a special treat.  I was sitting in my car and happened to glance out the window and there on the driveway was a Quail.  She was all fluffed up trying to stay warm in the cool wind.  I watched her for a few minutes and then noticed that she went under the car and I spotted another quail under the car.  It was so fun to watch them.  I show the pictures to Mallory and she was not impressed.  I learned something about Mallory.  She doesn't like birds!  Just like Susan.  I was so surprised.  Susan is terrified of birds and then I find out that Mallory doesn't like them either.  They fascinate me.  Those that walk along the ground and those that fly in the sky.

How can you not think these are the cutest sweetest little birds ever.  I just love Quail!  Mallory is loyal to Brinkley.  Her presentation went well and Brinkley was a hit.  After the class was over we drove through Jimmy Johns.  Got sandwiches and then I dropped her and Brinkley off and then picked up Neal at UVU and home.  What a fun afternoon.

The other day I got this cartoon from Mallory.  I'd seen it before but it has been a long time ago.  Probably one of my all time favorites!

You just can't help but laugh!!

Annie's Projects

 I benefited yet again from a project that Lynda Ann put together for Abby and her companions, and for Emmi and her little branch on the ship and for she and I to give to the sisters we minister to.  I took mine around to my sisters and the ooohs and aaaahs were great.  Annie gets all the credit for being amazing and serving others along with me.  The little lamb is accompanied by a talk from Dieter F. Uchtdorf.  Perfect for the Easter celebration.  Annie had it all packaged in a clear cellophane bag with green grass.  So dang cute.  Thank you!

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Sunday Thoughts

 I got an email from Emmi and she mentioned that she loved my Sunday thoughts.  I was happy that she was able to get on my blog and read it and that she was enjoying my Sunday thoughts.  Not sure why I even started doing it but it just kind of became something I did each week.  I'm a little late posting my Sunday thought this week but I guess it doesn't matter if I post it on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday, just as long as I get it posted.  So here is my Sunday thought for this week.

It has been fun to see the different temples being built in our area.  Neal and I have seen the one in Orem going up on the side of the freeway and also the one between Stansbury and Tooele.  It's fun to drive by to inspect the building and the progress.  There is so much progress, but we also know that building a temple takes a lot of time.

The temples can provide places for us to go to find healing, to be rebuilt and to be patched up, to find purpose and the reason for life.  The Salt Lake Temple is undergoing a huge changes and will yet undergo more changes before it is completed and functioning and thriving.  And the building, along the way, will probably has and will experience some setbacks.  But when it's finally done and completed, it will be majestic and glorious and resilient even though it has probably undergone heavy pressure and hardship.  The temple will be a sacred place once again for the many souls who enter.

Maybe the temple is like our own lives.  We are being rebuilt every day of our lives.  We undergo changes and more changes before we are completed.  We also experience setbacks in our lives but hopefully we can continue to move forward with resilience even through hardships.  

Friday Date Night

 Neal and I decided to go to Fire Station No 8.  This is the Mexican Restaurant that used to be in the old Train Station but because of the homeless issue and the homeless taking up residence by the entrance of the train station, the owners of Rio Grande Mexican Food had to make the decision to move to a new location.  Market Street Grill closed down and Fire Station No8 moved in.  They have renovated the building and really fixed it up.  The food was delicious and we would definitely go back there again some time.  It was actually warm enough that we were able to sit outside on the patio.  Oh, I do love the warmer weather.  However, tonight it is snowing again!!

Finding Pictures

 I was looking for Neal's birth certificate and had to go through a bunch of  books.  I never did find his birth certificate but came across an envelope that had a bunch of our family Christmas cards and a picture of Tucker's wedding.  Talk about a walk down memory lane.  Check these fun pictures out.  I think Jamie was the one who was given the assignment to put the cards together.  

This one was my personal favorite!
Found this cute picture of CJ, Justin and Madeline
I believe this was our Christmas at the beach house and we were all in Disney Land.
Tucker and Jamie's wedding day.
Pictures are priceless and so fun to look back on.  So don't anyone give me any nonsense about taking pictures.  So fun to look back on.