Tuesday, January 30, 2024

A Time To Remember

January 28 of 2016.  Seems so very long ago and yet seems just yesterday that we were gathered together to pay tribute and say an unexpected goodbye to Jeffrey.   I still think back on the very first time that little 5 pound bundle was placed in my arms.  I cried lots of happy tears.  I was so thankful that Heavenly Father had answered so many heartfelt prayers to have the opportunity to be a mother.  And I had not forgotten the sacrifice made by Jeffrey's biological mother.

I remember his first smile, his first tooth, his first steps, and his happy personality.  I remember celebrating each birthday as he grew from baby to adult.  Jeffrey's journey was a journey of struggles.  I think he really struggled with being adopted more than I ever realized.  But he also had many positive and happy times in his life that hopefully outweighed the sad times.  I'm looking forward to the time when I will hear him say, "Hello Mother" in the only way Jeff could and getting that all encompassing bear hug that I loved so much.  Love you, my boy!

Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Book of Mormon

I am so excited that this year we are back to the Book of Mormon as our study in Gospel Doctrine.  I love reading this fantastic book and the testimony of the Savior's life and ministry on the earth.  The Book of Mormon brings comfort and peace because, in its pages, we discover who we were, who we are, where we are going, and why we press forward in life, especially when it's hard and overwhelming.

And we gain a greater insight into the Savior's remarkable ministry of compassion, healing, and love during His visit to the American continent.  I share my profound love for this book with all my children and grandchildren.  I hope that we all can enjoy its transformative power and commit ourselves to it.  Inspired by Nephi's example, I would encouraged my posterity to Go and Do and follow the Lord even when it's difficult, and to dedicate our lives to learning more about the Savior.

All these thoughts were going through my head as I was busy making chocolate chip cookies on a snowy Sunday afternoon.  What could possible taste better than a hot chocolate chip cookie right out of the oven.

Neal shoveling a path to the lawn for Sprout to do his business.

All baked and ready to eat.  You see, we can fill our tummies as well as our souls!  

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Fun Times

 Emmi wanted to go down to BYU and walk around campus, browse around the BYU Bookstore and then go have pizza for lunch.  I thought it would be fun to have Taylor join us but she had to work that afternoon and couldn't come.  Emmi and Andrew picked me up at 11:30 and we headed to Provo.  We were supposed to meet Mallory at the bookstore at 12:30.  We wandered around the bookstore and bought a few things and then went out and walked around campus.  Amazing how there is always some construction going on somewhere on campus.  Emmi got to see where she used to work and where most of her classes were.  Mallory showed us the building where she works and where most of her classes are.  I just enjoyed the ambience and thought back on the fun memories that I had while attending BYU.  It was fun to be with the two granddaughters who love BYU as much as I do.  

We headed over to the Brick Oven for a delicious lunch.  Stayed there for a while and just visited.  Emmi would be heading home to Hawaii the next day so we all had to soak in as much of her as we could before we had to say our goodbyes.  

Just me being silly!

The four of us at the Brick Oven.  The food there is always delicious.
Had to grab a picture of these two before we all said goodbye.
Happy and sad moment all rolled into one picture.  Remember the old song, "Sisters"?  That is what I thought of when I took this picture.  "There were never such devoted sisters!"  

It was such a fun day and I'm so happy that they included me in the adventure and being able to spend a little more time with Emmi before she headed back to Hawaii.  I'm so thankful to have such thoughtful and  caring children.