Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Another finished project

I just finished another project. This is a birth sampler for Boston that has been in the making for a little while. It needs to be cleaned, pressed and then taken to the frame shop for matting and framing. That is Neal's project to pick out the frame color and the matting colors. He has an excellent eye for colors and what looks good or highlights. I've made one for each one of the grandchildren, except C.J. and Justin. I didn't do counted cross stitch when they were babies.

Sewing projects

Baby blanket


Apron for Lila Mae

Apron for Lila Mae

My new sewing table that Lynda Ann surprised me with and put together for me. I came home from a meeting and there it was all put together. AWESOME!! Thanks, Lynda Ann!

The holidays are just around the corner and I am in a race again this year to get as much done by November 1st as possible. I like to have ALL my sewing completed and wrapped so that I can thoroughly enjoy the holidays without the stress of trying to get things done at the very last minute. When I am preparing Christmas for 19 grandchildren and children and spouses it can be overwhelming if I don't start early. I have all the pajamas made for the grandchildren, I am now doing the final touches, such as hemming, buttons and button holes, elastic in the waist, etc.

I also had a couple of added projects. One was a couple of aprons that Susan had me make for her mother. Lila Mae's birthday is in October and I'm not sure if Susan is giving the aprons to her mom for her birthday or having her wait until Christmas. But it really matters not. When someone asks me to do something, I usually get right at it. I'm not one to let moss gather under my feet. Also a baby blanket to be made for a baby shower and numerous other projects.

I have such wonderful memories of waking up early in the mornings during the months of October, November and December and hearing mother's sewing machine just a whirring away. Every once in a while I even might hear a swear word or two. Oh how mad she would get when the thread broke and she had to stop and re thread the needle. I believe her term was "Dammit all to Hell." Yup, that was it. And she meant it. I would just lay in bed and smile. Mother worked a job that went from Monday through Friday and Saturday mornings. The only time she had for sewing was 5 a.m. and late into the evenings. Thanks mom, for all the nightgowns, Christmas dresses, rag dolls, doll clothes and stuffed animals. Some day I shall have to relate the story of the stuffed bears and oh yes, the Christmas ties she made for all the son-in-laws. Classic stories.

An evening with the Gertsons kids

Emmi, Pa and Hayley playing scrabble.

Lynda Ann and Jeff were given 7 free tickets to the circus on a Friday afternoon - showtime - matinee. The kids loved the circus and each one couldn't wait to tell me what was the most exciting act they saw or the most exciting animal show. It was all very exciting to hear about it. Lynda Ann said that they also had two free movie tickets and I would I mind tending the kids. Of course I told her that was fine and off the two of them went to the movies. So our evening consisted of a number of activities going on in the house. Mallory, Abby and Andrew played downstairs with the blocks and doll house along with watching a movie. Emmi wanted to play scrabble with me and of course, our Einstein, Hayley wanted to play as well. I really think Emmi's goal is to someday beat me at scrabble. As smart as she is, I don't suspect that achievement is too far off. Hayley actually did a really good job. She needed a little help from Pa but I was amazed at how many words she was able to create on her own.

When Jeff and Annie returned we played a game called "Nickles to Nickles". The game ended about 11:30 and the Gertson's loaded up and headed home. It was a fun evening with the children and parents.

Monday, September 27, 2010

My three cute granddaughters from California

This is a picture of Peyton, Lexi and Jordyn Lyn in the skirts I made for them. They called me Sunday night to thank me and tell me that they wore them for the Primary Program. They also shared with me their parts on the primary program. Lexi informed me that Peyton had a part but when she got up to the microphone all she could do was giggle, so Jamie had to go up and help her through her part. It was fun to visit with the two older girls and hear their experiences with the primary program. It is times like this that I yearn to live closer to them. As grandparents, we miss so very much of their daily activities and mostly their dancing, music and church performances. We are proud of you, Peyton, Lexi and Jordyn and love you tons! P.S. You look absolutely darling in your new skirts!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sweet Bella Boo

Bella patiently waiting for my return. She loves to go in the car with me and hates to be left behind. I'm guessing that is why she didn't come to the door to greet me. She was pouting.

This year the women's conference is being broadcast to our stake center so this afternoon I ran over to the stake center to set up the tables in the cultural hall for our refreshments and set up chairs for the sisters to sit while eating their delicious piece of cake. The hall looked very festive. When I arrived home, Bella wasn't right at the door to greet me as she usually is. I set some groceries down on the kitchen counter and then headed up stairs to put some stuff away and there at the top of the steps was Bella. The scene reminded me of the movie Pollyanna. There is a scene where she is going up the steps and kneels down to talk to the dog who is lazily laying at the top landing. Had to post this picture. Couldn't resist.

Do you believe in gaurdian angels?

Picture of Annette and I taken by a street photographer. They actually used to have them.

I woke up one morning to the rolling thunder that I love and the rain dancing off the roof and pavement. What a wonderful sound to wake up to! The air was so cool with just a touch of fall and the house was the perfect temperature. I just wanted to snuggle back down under the covers and enjoy the storm, but it was a Monday and I had to get up and face reality.
As I laid there listening to the sounds of the storm I couldn't help remember an incident that happened to me right after we moved to Provo from Seattle. I was 7 years old when we made the move. In Seattle you have rain, rain and more rain, but you seldom experience the loud rolling thunder and lightening flashes that you do in Utah. The rain in Seattle is usually just rain without all the fan fair.
Because we didn't have a home when we first moved to Provo, we were temporarily living in Springville with a lady that mother worked with. School had started, mother had found a job and we were just waiting for the sale on our home to go through so we could move in. I was in second grade and Annette was in 7th grade. (I attended Franklin Elementary). The plan was that after school I was to walk the three blocks to the park on Center Street and Annette was to walk from junior high and meet me there. Together we would walk to my mother's work, which was about 6 blocks away. There we would do our homework until 5 o'clock and then ride with Mrs. Persons to her home. Mother didn't own a car and, in fact, never did.
Sometime in early October, I walked to the park and waited at the appointed tree for Annette to meet me. There had been a storm brewing most of the day and about the time I arrived in the park, it hit with all vengeance. The rain came down in torrents and the thunder rolled and the lightening danced across the sky. I was terrified, but kept my post for what seemed like forever. I finally decided that Annette had forgotten me and was sure I could find mother's office on my own. So began my journey through town. I wandered up and down through town and every side street that I thought would lead me to mother's office, but to no avail. I will never forget the terrified feeling of being completely lost and alone. It was just dusk, I was soaking wet, cold and crying when a young man came up to me, took my hand and asked me what was wrong. In between sobs, I told him I had lost my mother. My memory of the time has faded but I know that he walked for quite some time with me trying to help me find mother's office all the while assuring me that everything would be fine and we would find my mother.
Unbeknownst to me, Mother, Mrs. Persons and Annette had driven to the park and when they couldn't find me there began driving along center street and along side streets trying to find me. The finally spotted me, jumped out of the car and gathered me in their arms. They had been looking for me ever since Annette had arrived at mother's office without me. I remember my mother thanking the young man profusely for trying to help me. I am forever grateful for that kind young man who noticed me and stopped to help me. I am thankful that he was a good person. Do I believe in guardian angels? Yes I do. Do I believe that someone was watching out for me? Yes I do. Did I get a lecture on talking to strangers? Yes I did.

Now the story doesn't end there. After that experience, I determined I would never be afraid of thunder and lightening again so every time a storm came through you would find me sitting out on our front porch proving to myself that I was not afraid. For the first little while I would have mother sit with me but then after a time I was able to go out there on my own.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Just some thoughts

I can't seem to get the Cutler experience out of my mind. I keep thinking what a tragedy that whole event could have been. They could have lost their entire home and all the contents in just a few short minutes. And yet, their home was untouched by the fire and smoke. No damage of any kind. Maren related to me the events of those three days they were evacuated. Can you imagine having the police knock on your door and tell you that you have just an hour to gather what you need or want and leave. One hour isn't very long. I've thought a lot since then about family preparedness and how crucial it is to have your house in order. Maybe this is a wake up call for our family to think about what we need to do to be ready for any kind of disaster that may come. Maybe it is time to make sure our house is in order. Our spiritual, emotional and physical house. I talked to Maren to day to see how she was doing and she said that they are still recovering. They had piles of laundry that she had just finished but are still trying to get their house put back together. I can't express how grateful I am for their safety, the safety of their home and their well being.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Mallory Sue

This young lady is an amazing girl. Just a year ago she decided that she wanted to play the flute. No one knew that she had a gift for this instrument. She plays with confidence and plays well. The primary president asked Mallory if she would like to be one of the narrators in the primary program and she declined immediately telling the president that she would be way to nervous. Then Mallory said, "But I would love to play a flute solo!" You put a flute in her hand and all shyness about being in front of a crowd goes away. I love hearing her play and am so proud of her accomplishments.

I have a Mallory story that is priceless and I have to add. I hope Mallory will forgive me. I know that when she is older she will love this story. Her dad was asking the kids to tell him who was going to win football games between certain teams. He came to Mallory and asked her who she thought would win between the Giants and the Panthers. Mallory didn't answer for a minute so he said, "Come on, Mallory, pick one. Who do you think will win?" Mallory looked at her dad and said, "Well, how big are the giants!" Mallory, I love you and your sweet innocents!

A visit from Jeff's family

Back row: Richard and Karen (Jeff and Ken's parents)
Front row: Jeff and Ken
Ken, me, Jeff - Don't you love the comparison of height!!

Brothers: Ken and Jeff: I love the bantering that goes on between these two!

Jeff's brother, Ken, came in this week from Georgia for a visit with Jeff and Annie along with Jeff's parents who drove down from Spokane. Neal and I were invited out to the home to have a bite to eat and play games. We spent the evening visiting with Karen, Richard and Ken along with playing "Pay Me" or "Nickles to Nickles". This silly card game has two names we found out. It is a fun game but can also be frustrating. It was so nice to visit with Jeff's family. We only see them about once every two years. Jeff's dad has had two or three major surgery's this past year and it has sure taken a toll on him.

Lynda Ann is a great hostess. As a mother, it is fun to see what your children have gleaned from their upbringing and what they have chosen to do like you or venture off into better and more efficient ways of taking responsiblities in thier homes. Lynda fixed a great dinner along with making up a batch of chocolate chip cookies, for which she is famous. She was scheduled to work the night shift at the hospital but carried on, knowing that she wouldn't have a chance to take a nap. We had a wonderful time. Thank you Annie for being such a GREAT hostess! I'm proud of you.

Jeff's parents leave today for Las Vegas, continuing their road trip and Ken will fly home tomorrow.

A weekend that will be long remembered.

What an emotional weekend this has been for Maren's family. Neal and I got a call last night about 9:00 p.m. from Maren telling us that they were being evacuated from their home. There was a fire that had started at Camp Williams from machine gun fire and a spark had set off a brush fire that burned out of control and because of the strong winds came up over the mountain headed right for Herriman City. Maren said they had been watching the fire since about 3 p.m. and saw it getting closer and closer. They moved their cars in the garage and gathered pictures and important papers and went to Greg's sister home to spend the night. Maren called this morning and said that Greg had decided to spend the night at the house. Maren took the kids to Lori's house and put them down for the night and then went back to the house to stay with Greg. The police have now let most of the people back in their homes this morning and the fire seems now to be under control and the winds have stopped moving it forward. There were four home burned to the ground. Maren said the fire had come within 20' of their neighbors home.
We love you Maren, Greg and family and are grateful to our Heavenly Father that all is well with your family and your home!

Maren sounded exhausted when she called this morning. I didn't realize how emotional I was until I hung up from getting the news that all was well and the tears welled up in my eyes. I got up at 3:30 a.m. and prayed that all would be well with, especially Maren and her family, but all the other people in that area as well. I feel our family was blessed and taken care of and I am so thankful for that.

Neal and I tried to get some pictures but the distance was too great for my little camera so I took some off the news.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe!

This cartoon has to be my all time favorite cartoon . There have been so many times in my life, and sadly seems to be more and more of them, where I think, "Did I miss that?", "Was I supposed to be somewhere?"

I'm not now and never have been a calendar keeper. I don't make lists of things I need to do and put them in priority and keep them in a planner. I've tried that and it just doesn't work for me because more than half the time my planner isn't with me! I don't write down my 'have to do's' and 'going to do's' today, tomorrow, next week or next month. I some how am usually able to keep them filed in my brain and be where I need to be and have done what I need to have done!

My children have learned that I like a heads up notice and I will often ask them to give me a call the day before or the day of to make sure I don't miss out on something they or the grandchildren are doing. I'm afraid I have to admit that some times I am a bit scattered. The amazing thing is that most of the time I'm able to keep track of what needs to be done and am pretty good about accomplishing assignments or needs on time and being where I'm supposed to be.

I have noticed that since I've been made the stake relief society president I have found it necessary to keep a 'church' calendar of the meetings , what time, where and also what wards I'm supposed to be visiting on any given Sunday or what relief society activity I have been invited to attend during the week. My mind just can't possibly keep all that organized!

But all that aside - I love this posted cartoon and hope that when you look at it, you will also catch the humor in it as I did.

The Scouter

The scouter returning home from a over night camp.
You have to see this coin in person to catch the beauty and detail. Sorry the top picture is sideways. I need more tutoring from Jamie! :-)

We all know how much Neal loves scouting. He breathes, eats and lives scouting. His greatest joy is working with the young boys and getting them excited about getting merit badges that will lead them to their eagle project and eventually their eagle scout award. All four of our boys received their eagle scout whether they wanted to or not!

Ron Stanfield came by our home the other night with an early birthday present for Neal. This year is the 100 years of scouting celebration. Ron found out that there was a dollar coin being minted in celebration of this event in the scouting world. I don't know the whole story but he had to pull some strings, even contacting someone in Las Vegas to get one of these coins and probably had to pay a nice price. He knows Neal and knows of his great love for scouting. So Neal's early birthday present was the scout coin. Needless to say Neal was as excited, surprised and most grateful. What a thoughtful gift from a thoughtful friend to a guru scouter. Thank you Ron!!!


Now seriously, isn't that the cutest picture ever?

I know that blogging about my dog probably isn't the most interesting thing that someone would want to read about nor would there be any words of wisdom to come out of this entry about my dog. But, I have to say that she is such a part of mine and Neal's life and home that once in a while it seems appropriate and OK to add her to my journal of entries.
The other day, I noticed that I hadn't seen her for quite some time, so I called for her but got no response. So began the search. I had to stop and think for a moment if I had let her out and maybe forgot she was out there and just maybe she had wandered off or was sitting by the back door patiently waiting for someone to let her in. But that wasn't the case this time. I started looking through the house and remembered that the last place I had seen her was going into our walk in closet. As I walked into the closet, I noticed a slight movement from under my clothes and there lay Bella taking a very peaceful nap. I had to run and get my camera because she looked so cute laying under my dresses and on top my shoes. I've now become aware that she will often go in there to sleep when she knows that I am leaving and not taking her with me.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Relief Society Craft Night

Me being very excited that I accomplished all I did without the help of Annie. Annie, aren't you proud of me?

I don't know that Relief Society Craft Night is really the proper name but that is what I came up with for now. I don't usually attend those for obvious reasons to those who know me well. But they had a couple of projects that I thought I might be able to do and with my new calling I felt like I need to support my home ward when I can. I signed up for three different things. Two were sewing machine projects which I can always do with confidence. The other was questionable but surprisingly enough it turned out quite well. Annie would be proud of me. However she would probably notice that some of the names are not quite centered, but that's OK. All in all it was a fun night and I was able to complete two of the projects completely and the third one I brought home to finish here. P.S. I can't tell you what they are because some of them are Christmas presents.

Football Saturday

Jaden and Pa
Greg and Neal

Neal and I were able to attend Jaden's football game out in Stansbury. He was fun to watch. He was aggressive, made a number of tackles, carried the ball and really stayed focused in the game. He has the potential of becoming a good athlete if that is where his interest take him. Way to go Jaden. We loved watching you play.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Walk Down Memory Lane

7 years old

Fall is absolutely my favorite season of the year. I love the cool nights, the beautiful colors of nature bringing in the winter season and the wonderful memories the season always brings with it. Coming home from work today I felt the crisp fall air and noticed a couple bushes on Mt. Olympus already beginning to turn red. My mind took be back in time to those fall days when I was a little girl full of imagination and make believe. One of my fondest memories was playing in the fall leaves that had drifted to the ground. I would design a house out of the leaves by raking them into rows representing walls of my imaginary house. I would have quite a house plan by the time I was finished even having door ways between rooms and a front and back door. Then I would get all my doll furniture and my dolls and haul them outside placing the furniture in the appropriate room. Then the dolls would be put in their beds or on a chair, or the high chair. I would play for hours in my pretend house of leaves being the mother taking care of all my 'children'. (Who, by the way, all had names.) My dolls were very real to me.
I have to add that raking the leaves into rows also proved a win/win situation for my mother because it made it very easy to bag them and leave them out for the garbage pick up. We had huge trees along the front of our home so there never seemed to be a shortage of leaves and they always seem to last until the first snow fall. I would love to have a picture of one of my leaf houses but the picture will only have to be in my memory.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Another Hayley moment

Emmi on her kind of new bike that her Aunt Lila Mae gave her.

This is the skirt I made for Hayley. And while out to their home I heard another Hayley story.

Jeff was watching the movie The Patriot. Hayley walked in and asked her dad what he was doing. Jeff tells her that he is watching The Patriot. Hayley says, "Oh, that must be about the Revolutionary War." Jeff looked at her and said, "I know it is about the Revolutionary War but, how do you know that?" Hayley says, "Well because we were called Patriots during the Revolutionary War." So Jeff thought for a minute and said, "Do you even know what the Revolutionary War was all about? Hayley said, " Yes, that is when we were fighting for our freedom." By this time Jeff is totally amazed and says, "Well who were we trying to get freedom from?" Hayley very matter of fact said "England" and turned around and walked out of the room. This is our little Einstein 2nd grader.


Sunday was one of those days when you come away with your soul touched, your testimony increased and your well filled to the top. For some reason, I have really been missing my mother lately. I think partly because of this new calling and wishing I could run to Provo and talk to her about it. I greatly miss her words of solace, wisdom and understanding and mostly sensing and accepting the mood I happen to be in. It has been seven years this last July that she passed away. One of the sisters in our ward stood up and talked about her mother and how she missed her. It was a sweet moment for me to relate to her words and feel with her the loss of a mother. I thought about my five younger children and wondered how often they have moments of sadness that their mother was taken from them so early in their lives. I've thought about my roll in their lives as the 'new mother' and wondered (as I often do) if I have come close to being the mother Judy would have been. I am grateful for memories, for pictures, for journals. Those to me, are the little mercies, the small gifts given to us as we experience our lonely moments. It is nice to know that the sun is always there behind those clouds and the sunshine will appear after the storm.

Then in Gospel Doctrine our lesson was on Jonah. Remember the story? Jonah was called by the Lord to go preach to the people of Nineveh. Remember what a wicked, wicked people they were. Jonah runs as far as he can in the other direction, even getting on a ship to take him across the waters. A storm comes up and he is swallowed by a great whale and three days later is cast upon the shores. I couldn't help but think of the times when I have received callings in my life when I've wanted to run as fast as I could in another direction but after much soul searching, prayer and going to the temple, like Jonah, I repent, accept the calling and am cast upon the shore to do the Lords will. Why do we doubt our abilities? Why do we have to swallowed in doubt before we humble ourselves and trust that whatever help or talents we may need, the Lord will provide. I love that Bible story.

Yes, Sunday was a great day!!

Music - a wonderful gift!

Me and Annette - taken after one of our performances. Annette was 5 years older than I.
Hey Abby, this is what Gam looked like without wrinkles! :-)
This last Sunday was Fast Day. As a presidency we decided that we would always be in our home ward for our three hour block. It was nice to actually go in the same car with Neal to our meetings and be able to sit together and enjoy the meeting. Neal likes to sit at the front of the chapel and like most people we have a particular area that we usually gravitate to. As the meeting began, I noticed that there was no one sitting up on the stand to lead the singing. The opening announcements were made and Brother Elder sat down. I looked at the Bishop who had just noticed that Pat (our chorister) was not there. We caught each others look of panic. He nodded to me and I pointed to myself with the question; you want me to go up there and lead?" It was a definite "Yes" nod. So I quickly grabbed a hymn book and stepped up to the front just as the intro for the hymn was completed. I led the singing for the opening song and as we were singing the last phrase of the last verse in walked Pat. As I sat back down I was grateful for the many hours of music lessons my mother paid for by working an extra job at night cleaning an office. She wanted my sister, Annette, and I to have music a part of our lives. Working the second job she was able to buy a piano and pay for piano lessons for me and singing lessons for Annette. If there was one bond that held Annette and I together through our growing up years it was music. I cannot begin to speculate the hours and hours we spent at the piano with me playing and her singing. Since Annette passed away I haven't kept up on my piano skills but music continually comes to play in my life. Singing in the choir, singing in duets and quartets, leading the singing and even when we go to Mexico there are ample opportunities to play for Sacrament meeting. I continue to marvel at the wisdom and sacrifice made by my mother and how it has benefited my life over and over again.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Mockingjay

I finished the last of the series of three. I called Emmi to discuss the book with her. She had finished it before I did. We both loved it but agreed that we like the first book the very best. I was curious to see how the author was going to pull all the characters together and have the book end with the author and the reader feeling good. But as the last page is read - all is resolved and the book is closed. I couldn't help but think, that is kind of like our lives. It is a journey full stories of up and downs and set backs but if we keep pushing forward and relying on help from our Author then we should also feel fulfilled and good when we turn the last page of our life's novel.

Cutler's for a swim and visit at Gam and Pa's

Taylor wanted show me that she had learned to do a back bend and a round off. I vaguely remember that I used to be able to get my body to bend like that - but oh so long ago!
Out by the pool watching the kids swim and talking with Maren. Notice Jaden in the back ground.

Boston and Neal watching the BYU / Washington Football game. BYU won! GO COUGARS!!

Is this not the cutest baby?!
Maren came by last night to let the kids swim. I was watching the BYU / Washington football game and told her I would keep Boston with me while she went out to the pool with Jaden, Taylor and Brock. What a huggable, kissable baby he is. Loved playing with him.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Midway Swiss Days

I forgot to mention that we stopped at Cowboy Grub for some great food.
Left to right - Neal, me, Midge and Jim

Jim and Midge, Neal and I as we were leaving Swiss Days
Neal helping out the Relief Society!

Midge, Jim and Neal

Swiss Days is an annual event in Midway, Utah. The town square is lined with rented booths, occupied by people selling every thing possible. Mostly home made products. It would be like going to Quilted Bear only multiply that four or five times. It used to be that the booths covered the perimiter of the square, now every inch of the square is covered plus it has spilled over to the adjoining town property. People from all over Utah come to Swiss Days to sell their wares. The event lasts for the Friday and Saturday preceeding Labor Day Weekend.

Neal had never been so we decided to go on Friday. Midge and Jim gave us a call as we were about the leave and said they wanted to play bridge that evening. When we mentioned that we were going to Swiss Days they asked if they could come along for the adventure. We parked at Lila Mae's and then had Julie's husband shuttle us over. We wandered about four or five rows of booths for about an hour or so and then Midge and Jim were done. We could have kept going for another three hours and still not made it to every booth. Seriously, it is that big. Neal and I ended up buying a couple of puzzles and lots of goodies from the Relief Society baked goods booth.

We went back to Lila Mae's, visited with her for a few minutes and then headed home. We did make a stop at the Park City outlets. Neal wanted to stop in Tommy Bahama's. They were having a 50% off every item in the store for the Labor Day weekend and he just coulding resist.

We ended the day by playing bridge until midnight. It was a very fun day!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Stake Relief Society Presidency

From left to right: Linda - secretary, Emily - 1st Counselor, Lisa - 2nd Counselor and me - President. Organized sustained on Mother's Day.

When the Stake Clerk called our home a week prior to meeting with the Stake President I knew immediately that I was going to be called as the Stake Relief Society President. I had know idea that the current presidency was being released so the thought was total inspiration. I have to acknowledge that the Holy Ghost is giving us time to prepare to accept the callings. There have been so many times in my life when I have been asked to serve and I already knew what I was being called for. I certainly needed a little preparation time for this one. The Lord and I had some lengthy discussions and after going to the temple - I was convinced. After the calling was extended, I went home with a very humble and prayerful heart. Now, I needed to choose my counselors and secretary and President Parry asked me to consider sisters that were not in my home ward. I was given a roster of all the current temple endowed sisters in the stake. The process for me was humbling, enlightening and in some ways, a miracle. The Lord certainly had a hand in helping me choose the sisters that were to be called. That was very evident. We have now been serving a little over three months and have grown together as a unified presidency. Each one brings their own strengths and when you combine those strengths it is amazing what can be accomplished. How grateful I am for this calling and the spiritual growth that I can see happening.

Lynda Ann called me last night and said that she had finally finished getting things ready for a baby shower she was hosting. I told her to take pictures of her creations and send them to me. I always love her ideas and creations. I will be hosting a baby shower in October so I told her she might as well plan on making the same things for me. She also made sugar cookies in the shape of little baby feet and frosted them. Can you believe how cute that bear is? If I tried creating that it would end up looking like a bunch of baby towels all rolled up resembling rolled up baby towels! I clearly remember going to a relief society work day with Lynda Ann. We were making Christmas decorations. They were wood ones and needed to be painted. Well I picked up one of the trees and started painting it green. Now we are talking about just the base coat, nothing elaborate mind you. Lynda was sitting next to me doing hers. She glanced over and said, "Mom, why don't you put that down and you just go visit with all the ladies and I'll do our decorations." I just smiled and did just that. I had a grand time visiting with everyone while Lynda Ann did all the work. You see, crafts are just not my forte' and Lynda Ann is well aware of that. Thanks, Lynda, for taking such good care of me and always making me look good (and crafty)!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

River James Goss

Of course every grandchild must play a tune on the piano. River was making up some song for his bunny.
River sniffing the flowers just after Bella did.

River and Cuddly Bunny

I was tending River for a few hours and when I picked him up from the day care he had his bunny with him that he so fondly refers to as Cuddly Bunny. I ask him why he called his bunny cuddly and he said it was because he is cuddly. Good enough for me.

I took River with me while I walked Bella and it was intersting to watch his mind and imagination working. He tried to do everything that he saw Bella doing. If Bella walked along the curb, River did the same. If Bella stopped to sniff the flowers, River would stoop down and sniff the flowers. If Bella started to run, River would run. If Bella just stopped to sniff the air, River would do the same. It was priceless. I just had to hope that River didn't try and 'go' on the lawn. I love to watch children play and use their imaginations. My childhood was full of wonderful adventures.