Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Two Rednecks!

We stopped at a couple stores before heading home to go to Peter Pan.  Ron and Neal put on these Pendleton Hats. And Tucker approved of Neals outfit for Peter Pan.

 Another picture of the stage which I'm not supposed to take.  But  . . . . . .
Wonderful weekend.  Went to church with Ron and Judy Sunday morning, had a great dinner and then headed home for a viewing of one of Neals study group friends.  Reality hits when people our age start dieing.

The furniture store in St. George

We bought a table and two end tables for the guest room and we had to pick them up on Saturday.  While we were in the furniture store waiting for Judy and Ron to do some shopping Neal and I were having some fun.

 We took this picture for Tucker.  He text back and said it would be a good name for a hotel or a bed and breakfast.

My Jeffrey memorialized

Once a year organ donors have their name etched in the glass at the downtown library.  Pictures of the glass.  So happy and so proud.

A fun weekend in St. George

Ron and Judy and Neal and I have season tickets to Tuachan.  Our last two plays were last Friday and Saturday evening.  Tarzan and Peter Pan.  Both were excellent.  A side note:  Neal all of a sudden got hit with a kidney stone about 11:00 a.m. and by 2:00 p.m. he apparently passed it.  Amazing.  Must have been a really small one.  We were happy that we didn't have to cancel our trip to St. George.
Back to the trip.  When we walked out to the car to go to the theater, I noticed that Neal had socks on with his loafers.  I about died.  I told him to take them off and sent a picture to Tucker for some back up.  Sure enough Tucker text right back and said, "NO".  So he took off the socks.  Thanks goodness!
Picture of Neal, Ron and Judy walking up to the theater.
 Tickets to Tarzan.  It was fabulous!
 The stage, which we are not supposed to take pictures of.
 Fun picture of the four of us sitting center row about 10 rows back.  Fabulous seats.

First day of school for the Gertsons

Cute picture of the Gertsons on their first day of school.
Emmi called and asked if I wanted to go to Park City Outlets with her and Mallory.  It was a fun day.  We had lunch at the Pancake House and then headed up the canyon where we shopped until we dropped.  The girls found lots of great deals and it was fun to spend the afternoon with them.

A final message from Pres. Little

I was having a hard time getting used to being released from my calling as the Stake Relief Society President after 6 years.  But, this book with a message inside from Pres. Little helped me put closer to an incredible time in my life.

Sorry the page is sideways.  I obviously need help from Mindy again.  UGH!!!  You would think I could get this program figured out.  NOT

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Birthday lunch

Saturday I went to Orem and met Susan and Lila Mae for my birthday lunch.  Annie couldn't join us because she had picked up a day shift at work.  We had a delicious lunch at a steak house and then shopped in a lot of stores.  I ended up buying a pair of shoes, a set of silverware, and some NYDJ Jeans.  It was a successful shopping day.  I also got Downtown Abby from Lila Mae and Susan and a darling pair of salt and pepper shakers.  I love unique salt and pepper shakers.  Bet you didn't know that about me :-)  Can't wait to watch Downton Abby again!  Love it!
Are these elephant salt and pepper shakers the cutest things you ever seen?  I love them.

Lila Mae also gave me a necklace about sisters.  I'll have to take a picture of it.  And Susan gave me some gourmet hot chocolate.  She knows how I love hot chocolate!

Jaden's first football game

Neal and I drove out to Herriman High school to see Jaden play in his first football game and to watch Taylor perform with her drill team at half time.  It was a perfect evening.  Temperature was delightful.  I do love warm nights.  It was fun to see our grandchildren and watch them excel in their interests.

 In case you don't know, Jaden is number 17.

Tucker and Peyton

Tucker sent this picture of he and Petyon on the golf course.  They were having a daddy / daughter day while mom and older sisters were at a dance competition.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Abby is following in the footsteps of her sister, Emmi

Abby sent me a picture of one of her pieces of pottery she has completed this summer in her pottery class.  It is amazing and very artistic!

Two darling grandsons on their first day of school

Maren sent me these pictures of Brock and Boston on their first day of school.  What handsome boys.

I love those socks Mr. Boston!

Emmi has made a big life changing decision and I couldn't be prouder of her.

Emmi called me a month or so ago and said that she had decided she wanted to go through the temple and have her endowments.  She has set a time in September.  She sent me this picture of her with her recommend.  My buttons are busting!  I'm so happy for you Emmi.  You are making great choices in your young life.  Can't wait for September!

Off to Scofield

We came home from St. George on Sunday night and turned around and left for Scofield on Tuesday.  This was the week that we were supposed to be in Mexico but because they sold their home in Mexico we decided to head for their cabin in Scofield.  Picture of Neal getting ready for a bridge game.  Ron and Judy getting some snacks to munch on while playing games.

The next two days we were golfing at the Price Country Club.
This was one of the crazy shots where Judy and I ended up right next to each other.  We laughed so hard.  This has happened many times.  We are always amazed.
Then back to the cabin for delicious dinner of hamburgers out on the patio.

The next morning Judy made a special Danish breakfast for us.  I wish I knew what these things were called.  They were delicious and tasted almost like a sweet miniature pancake.  You can put powdered sugar, syrup or jam on them along with butter if you choose.  They were amazingly delicious!

 Our last day before heading home.  It is always sad when we have to bring our vacation to an end.  We love Ron and Judy and sure enjoy our time with them.

A fun trip to St. George

We bought season tickets again this year to Tuacon.  the first play this year was The Hunch Back of Nostradamus.  It was excellent.  And our trip to St. George was really fun.  On the way down we stopped to fill up the car with gas and this is what we ran into.  These cinnabons were just barely out of the oven and were absolutely delicious!  Best find ever!

Here is a picture of Ron and Neal relaxing in the Stanfield's brand new three bedroom condo.  It is beautiful and is located right on the 9th hole.
Off to the play, which was amazing.

The next morning out on the patio for a light breakfast and visiting before the guys went golfing.  While the men were golfing, Judy and I had a pedicure and a manicure.  It was a delightful and relaxing day.

 A picture of our newly painted and manicured feet.
In the afternoon we went furniture hunting.  I wanted two new end tables for the new guest room and Judy was looking for lamps for her bedroom.  This is a picture of Neal fast asleep in the chair while the salesmen was writing up the ticket.  I sent a picture to Tucker to add to his scrape book of Neal sleeping.
The trip was short and but we did a lot and had a lot of fun.