Thursday, May 25, 2017

Jaden graduates from High School

We got Jaden's graduation announcement in the mail today.  What a handsome young man.  We are proud of you Jaden.  I just wish that I could be to Jaden's graduation ceremony but I will be in Canada the day of his graduation.  I'm hoping that Neal will be able to arrange his classes at UVU so he will be there to represent us. 
Jaden is looking for a college to play football for.  We haven't heard what his decision is yet.  Good luck Jaden.

Mallory officially graduates from High School

I remember when I graduated from Provo High School.  I had very mixed feelings.  I love high school and loved my friends.  I had a feeling that we would slowly drift apart even though we had promised in our year books that we would keep in touch.  Mission, marriages, career opportunities and church took us all in different directions and different circumstances.  I like the every day routine of going to school during the week and hanging out with friends on the weekends. 

Mallory had a different experience.  She was very happy to be done with High School and to move on to more fulfilling and exciting adventures.  She said she was sad when she graduated from seminary  but happy to be done with her high school years.

She graduated with honors,

Their graduation ceremony was at the Huntsman Center at 1:00 p.m. today.  There were about 360 students graduating. 

 You can see Mallory just walking past the U in the black robe.

 Coming on the stage to receive her diploma.  Notice all the cords and medal. 

 Mallory hugging the principal.

The ceremony lasted an hour and a half and then we all met outside the Huntsman Center for pictures.
Mallorys awards were:  The maroon cord was for CLC or Community Learning Center, The medal for Medical Assisting and the white cord for Enrichment and the gold cord was for High Honor Roll.  Wow!  Way to go Miss Mallory Sue!

 The official diploma in the picture above. 
After the ceremony we headed to Cracker Barrel for a bite to eat.  We enjoyed the lunch and had fun being with Mallory and celebrating her accomplishments.
When I got to the restaurant I saw Hayley and Andrew sitting outside the front doors playing checkers.

 Mallory you have worked hard and been focused to achieve all you have through your high school years.  Because of your determination and commitment you will yet achieve much more in your life.  We love you!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Saint in training as a guide dog

Abby has taken on quite a responsibility to learn how and actually train a guide dog.  Saint will be her companion for a long time.  He will go everywhere with her.  Rarely, if ever, leaving her side.  Annie told me that they do switch the dogs around every once in a while to make sure that they get used to other people and to make sure they don't have any separation anxieties that have to be dealt with.  Training a guide dog is a huge responsibility and I am so proud of Abby for taking this on and for Jeff, Annie and her sister and brother for supporting her in this awesome adventure.  I know that they have also let Jamie know what they are doing because Jamie works with blind students professionally.

This is a picture of Saint with his first time wearing his official gear and cape.  Cutest thing ever!  Those sad eyes just melt your heart.  Notice the cover says "Puppy in Training". 

Hayley graduates from junior high with honors.

Last night, Neal and I drove out to Stansbury to see Hayley official graduate from junior high school.  Beyond my comprehension that she will be in high school next year!  Goodness.  Where does the time go.  I know that I say that often, but I think that almost every day.  It is exciting to see the grandchildren excelling in academics and other aspects of their lives.  Lynda Ann is an incredible mother and I hope she realizes what an amazing influence she is in her children's lives.  She is 10 times the mother I was - of that I am convinced.

Here are some pictures of Hayley as she walked across the stage to get her graduation certificate and her medallion for being an honor student.  We are so proud of you Hayley.  Keep following the example of your three older sisters academically and spiritually and the world will be yours! 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Mallory's Seminary Graduation

Mallory had her seminary graduation this evening.  I drove out by myself.  Neal had to attend Oscar's Eagle Scout Award.   So we had to divide and conquer.  Mallory looked darling in her new dress.  She said she was kind of happy and sad at the same time.  This is just the beginning of some very fun and exciting and spiritual adventures for her.  She is working on getting her missionary papers together and sent in.  She is a beautiful girl with a beautiful and very mature spirit.  I love this granddaughter of mine.

 A Gam moment!!  I bought Mallory a beautiful silver locket for graduation and had her initials engraved on the back.  When she opened it and looked at the back the initials engraved were E G!!  Good grief.  Don't ask me what in the world I did but I have to take accountability for that.  There is no way they would accidently put EG instead of MG.  I know when I was at Phillips & Co. I was trying to find her the initial M with a diamond in it like Emmi's.  They didn't have any so I settled for the locket and I'm sure I told them EG because I had Emmi on my mind!  My grandchildren will just have to put up with their Gam's silly mistakes.  I'm going to take it back and see if they can smooth out the initials and put the right ones in, if not, well .. . . . . .  not sure what I will do at this point.  We'll just have to wait and see. 


I'm certainly no rising Martha Stewart, but I do love entertaining and setting a beautiful table and serving good food.  It started when I was the Stake RS President and has become a tradition.  I'm no longer the stake RS President but the tradition goes on.  This year I invited President and Sister Little (Mike and Jan Little - current Stake President), President and Sister Parry (Jay and Vicki Parry - past stake president), Keith and Zona Smith (past and current stake clerk), President and Sister Springman (John and Chris Springman - past counselor for both Stake Presidents) and Dave and Linda Knight.  Linda was my Secretary in the stake RS Presidency and we have best of friends ever since. 

For dinner we had a tender loin roast with bake potatoes, creamed Brussel sprouts, a spring salad with apples, pears, craisins, cheese and a special home made dressing.  For dessert we had rice pudding with whipped cream on top.  The dinner was delicious and the company wonderful.  After dinner we had John and Chris show us some slides about their trip through Spain.

 Below is the group in Hawaiian shirts.  Neal wore one and so did Pres. Springman, Keith Smith and David Knight.  So Neal ran upstairs and provided a shirt for Pres. Little and Pres. Parry.  That called for a picture.  From left to right:  President Mike Little, President Jay Parry, Keith Smith, President John Springman, Neal and David Knight.

 then we decided we needed to have a picture of all of us so Neal ran next door and asked Danielle if she would be willing to come over and take a picture of all of us. 
From left to right, Maxfields, Springmans, Knights, Parry's, Little's and Smiths. 
 Neal was happy that all his planters we planted and the patio all put together and looking like summer. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017


I titled this post Bi-polar because that is what Utah is when it comes to weather.  Bi-polar!  If there were pills for mother nature it would be good to feed them to her because she sure plays tricks on the State of Utah.  Usually after May 12th or Mother's Day, which ever comes first, one is safe to plant their flowers.  Not so this year.  This is what we woke up to on Wednesday morning.  We've had temperatures in the 70's.  But they dropped drastically as a cold front came through.  I was just leaving for work and had to stop and snap a picture.

It has been cold every day since.  Neal even covered all his patio pots last night so his newly planted flowers wouldn't freeze.  Good Grief!!  The furnace even kicked on last night and this morning.  And we turned our heated mattress pad on. 

Abby begins a new adventure

Abby decided that she wanted to have the opportunity and experience of raising a guide dog.  She and Lynda Ann went to classes to prepare and make sure this is a project she really wanted to undertake.  Abby even got to tend a couple full grown guide dogs and take them with her to school and to church.  It is a full time commitment of never being away from them.  She was selected and picked up her little puppy named Saint.  She became the official trainer on Mother's Day evening.  This is the picture of her and her yellow lab named Saint.

Beautiful puppy and lucky to have Abby as his trainer.  She will be great and Saint will be one lucky puppy.

Mother's Day

Neal was having his 5 year colonoscopy on Monday, the day after Mother's Day.  So, he would not be able to eat any solids.  Just liquids.  So we decided to celebrate Mother's Day on Saturday.  We had Maren and Greg and kids, Lynda, Jeff and kids and Mindy.  We had hamburgers and all the trimmings and I also made the watermelon ice cream.  It was a nice day.  The weather went from warm chilly and back to warm again.  Neal let Lynda, Maren and Mindy choose one of the patio planters to take home with them.  I also game them a sweet bread and a dishtowel that said "Mother's Day" on it. 

Lynda Ann gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers that is still looking fresh and beautiful.  Thanks Annie.  I'm still enjoying them. 

Sunday Tucker called and we talked for nearly an hour.  It was so good to hear his voice and spend some time getting caught up on all the family in California and here.  I love talking with Tucker and he always makes me happy and laugh. 
 Jamie sent me this collage along with these words:  "To one of my most favorite humans on the planet, happy mother's day!!  I love you!  I love how caring you are, how thoughtful, genuinely interested in people, observant, giving, talented, smart, fun, spontaneous, beautiful and open hearted!  I'm so lucky you're my mother in law and more importantly, my friend.  I miss you!!!"  Thank you Jamie for those very kind an beautiful words. 

Mother's Day Remembrance

Mindy sent these pictures and said, "Be prepared to cry."  She was right.  I did cry.  Mother's Day and Jeffrey's birthday is this Saturday.  I think about him always.  I wonder what he is doing, what are his assignments and who he spends most of his time with.  Just a peek beyond the veil would be interesting.  But maybe granted a peek, we would see have incredible it is that we would want to stay.  That's why no remembrance and no peeking :-)  I miss you, my son.  And I love you!  A happy birthday beyond the veil.  Is Grandma Ross making you a cake?  Make sure you know what ingredients she is using and substituting!  Tell her "Hi" for me, will you?  I miss her too.  Thanks for sending the pictures, Mindy.  :-)

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Mr. Boston's celebrates his 7th birthday.

Maren sent us this cute picture of Boston with his card and money that Gam and Pa sent him.  Cute picture and cute boy.  Happy birthday, Mr. Boston.  We love you!!

Neal h!as begun the planting

Neal borrowed the Jeep and drove to Western Gardens to buy his flowers for all the patio pots to be planted.  He loves this part of the Spring and every year he looks forward to filling the pots with flowers and then watering them every night and every day checking on their progress. It is a floral garden by the time Fall makes its appearance.  He is just getting started and has a ways to go.