Thursday, December 27, 2018

My Gift to the Grandchildren

I made a quilt for each grandchild.  The quilt was made out of all the different materials from their home made pajamas over the years that I had made for them.  I forgot to take pictures of them as they opened them but Tucker took a picture of his three girls and set this to me.

Christmas Day

Neal and I opened our presents to each other.  I bought him a set of coins that were from his birth year.  I think he liked them.  It's always hard to tell whether he is excited about a gift or not.  I also bought him a heavy duty three in one hand truck to use hauling his patio pots back and forth.  He bought me a pink light weight jacket and a ruby ring.  The ring totally surprised me and I was thrilled.  We don't usually exchange gifts, but this year for some odd reason, we both bought each other something.

After we exchanged our gifts we drove out to Maren's to see their Christmas and from there to James home to see what River and Desmond got.  We had a very nice visit with James and his wife Mirian.  Then we headed out to Stansbury to see the Gertsons.  While we were there, Mallory called in.  Emmi had it all set up so that she came on the big screen and she could see all of us.  It was so fun to visit with her and see how very happy she is.  She is loving her mission and wishes that the church would allow the young women to stay for two years like they do the young men.

You can see by looking at her smile how very happy she is.  It was a beautiful experience to hear her share her testimony of the gospel with us.  Everyone in the room had tears in their eyes and down their cheeks.  The spirit bore witness that what she was saying was true.  We were able to talk to her for an hour and a half and then she had go.  We all just sat there and enjoyed what we had just experienced.  I wished we had recorded her thoughts.

After, we played a game and Annie fixed a delicious dinner.  We visited for a bit longer and then saw that it was starting to snow so we headed home.  It was a beautiful ending to a perfect holiday season.  Annie gave me a framed saying that she made that pretty much summed up Christmas for me:  "It's not what's under the Christmas tree that matters, it's whose around it."  Charlie Brown

Christmas Eve with Ron and Judy

Ron and Judy invited us to their home for a delicious dinner and bridge.  Judy is an amazing cook and her dinner was incredible.  After dinner we played bridge until about 10:00 and then we exchanged presents, laughed and talked until we left for home at 11:00.

 The patriotic Santa was our gift from Ron and Judy.

Christmas 2019

We celebrated Christmas as a family on Sunday, December 23rd.  Everyone gathered at 5:00 for dinner.  We had the traditional ham, funeral potatoes, veggies and fruit, along a turkey breast for those who don't care for ham.  Annie brought a delicious raspberry dessert and we also had ice cream.  After dinner Neal tried to have a family sing along (which didn't work), then shared the true meaning of Christmas and then the present exchange.  This year the cousins didn't exchange with each other and the adults didn't.  Everyone seem to be happy with the family picture puzzle and the family picture blanket.  The children were very generous with Neal and I and we received some wonderful and thoughtful gifts.

 I love this picture of Maren.  She looks just like she was in school taking a test that she hadn't studied for.  What she was doing was taking a Christmas quiz along with others at the table.
It was a fun evening and we enjoyed having everyone over for the festivities.  We always miss our California family and Derek.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Harold (Hal) Hintze

We got sad news that Hal was fishing and either getting in his little fishing boat or getting out, he slipped, fell and hit his head and died.  Some people you think will just live forever and I kind of thought that about Hal.  Never imagined that he would ever be gone.  Edwinna and Dana came in to town so that was the positive event during this time.  Annie and I were able to spend an evening with them at the Cheesecake Factory just talking about old times.  We had such fun.  We've already decided that Annie and I are going to Oklahoma in September to visit with Ed and Dana.  Annie is already looking for tickets.  The next day we were all at the funeral for Hal.  It was a very nice celebration of his life and accomplishments.  It was also fun to see some of Harold's brothers and sisters.  It was especially fun to see Maralyn and visit with her for a minute.

U of U basketball game

Norm called Neal and invited him to go to the Univ. of Utah basketball game last week.  Norm picked him up and Neal said they had a great time.  The U won so that always tops the night off.  Norm wanted to take a selfie of the two of them at the game.

Maxfield Brothers and Sisters Christmas Dinner

All the Maxfield siblings and spouses gathered at Ellen and Nalin's for dinner.  Our dear Wendy is at stage 4 cancer and so we were all happy that she was able to come and be with us.  We decided that pictures were needed.  We just don't know how long we are going to have her with us.  It was funny watching the all the Maxfield siblings who are all Chiefs, agree on how and where to stand so we could take the picture.  It was comical.  The in-laws were taking bets as to how long it was going to take them to agree on the order.  Here is the outcome along with pictures of all of us.  Every one was there.
 Picture below is oldes to youngest.
 The whole gang!
 This was a picture of Neal and Nelden quoting the scriptures of the birth of Christ.

Intresting Facts to Post

We had a lesson in Gospel Doctrine and the teacher had gone to the trouble to show the growth by members, Languages of the Book of Mormon, Stakes, Missions and Temples.  I was fascinated with the numbers and asked her if I could take a picture of the chart.  I thought it would be fun to post it at the end of 2018.  I think the church will grow in great numbers over the next few years.  It will be fun to watch and compare.  It was hard to read the far left column so I took a picture of it and posted it below.  Just think how the church has grown from 6 members in 1830 to 16,118,163 in 2018.  In just 188 years.  Amazing!

Saturday, December 15, 2018


In Relief Society we discussed obedience from a talk by M. Joseph Brough.  The discussion covered how obedience to God's laws can bless us.  I remember when President Gordon B. Hinckley counseled the women in the church:  "We discourage tattoos and also the piercing of the body for other than medical purposes.  We do not, however, take any position on the minimal piercing of the ears by women for one pair of earrings - one pair."
I clearly remember that talk.  I had two piercings in my ears at that time and made the decision that night to take one of them out.  It was a simple thing but a way for me to show that I could follow the prophet in a very specific way.  I could show the Lord obedience right then and there.  I didn't need to think about it.  It made me happy to do it and I've never regretted it.  I heard someone say once that they didn't remember the Savior saying, "If ye love me, keep my commandments that appear important."  It was a small thing the President Hinckley ask of us, but I trusted that it came from Heavenly Father.  I know that when God promises miracles and blessings, those miracles and blessings are NEVER small and insignificant.  "Obedience brings success; exact obedience brings miracles."  Russell M. Nelson

Hedge Hog

I saw this hedge hog Christmas ornament and thought of Derek and had to buy it.  You all remember that he had a hedge hog for a while.  I remember he would bring him out and let him waddle around the kitchen.  So, in memory of Derek, the hedge hog hangs on our Christmas tree.  We miss you being here Derek and wish you could come home for Christmas.  Today is your birthday and we wish you all the love we have and a happy birthday!  Love, Mom

Ward Christmas party

Neal and I were in charge of the ward Christmas party.  Of course, I called Lynda Ann and begged for help.  I told her that the theme of the dinner was "Light the World".  We wanted to follow the church theme for the month of December.  Annie immediately started coming up with all kinds of ideas for a hand out and for decorations for the dinner.  The night before the dinner she came in with Abby and Hayley to decorate the cultural hall.  Within two hours they had the hall festive and decorated.  We borrowed lanterns from Nanette along with some small tree stumps to set the lanterns on.  Annie bought some little lights to put in each lantern and then decorated the lanterns with holly and ribbon.  On each table she had made signs that read "Light the World" and at the end of the serving tables she had signs that said, "Give as Christ Gave".  The hall was absolutely beautiful and I will be forever indebted to her, Abby and Hayley for all their help.  Lynda Ann always comes through for me no matter how busy she is with her own projects.  We also decorated a place for Santa and the kids to have their pictures taken with Santa.  She made these little Christmas ornaments for each person to take home and hang on their tree to remind them the 'light the world".  200 of them!!

 This was the area we had set up for Santa and to have pictures taken.

The evening was a huge success, thanks to Annie!

Sunday, December 2, 2018


It was mother's birthday on the 27th of November and I always, always think about her all the time but especially on her birthday.  I still miss her after all these years and always reflect on her life and what an incredible example she was to me.  And what a good mother she was.  I love this picture that Lynda Ann framed for me.  It is my oldest brother, Donald and my mother as they were walking down the downtown streets of Seattle.  There used to be street photographers who would take random pictures and then you could buy them.  Donald was in his navy uniform so must have been on leave and in Seattle visiting with mother.

I am grateful for the blessing I know that because of the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ any sadness I feel can be turned into hope and strength.  I know one day I will see Mother, Annette and Jeffrey again.  Not just as spirits, but with resurrected bodies.  I am grateful I can look in the eyes of my posterity and tell them that Christ makes it possible for families to reunite, return, and rejoice.

There is a phrase in the scriptures;  "His hand is stretched out still".  we read that phrase in Isaiah, Nephi, Exodus, and Samuel and we know that God is merciful to His children.  He wants us to succeed and find happiness and joy.  He's picking us up and dusting us off when we slip.  He's showing us the way and encouraging us as we go.  We need not ever ask where we belong, because we belong to Him.

Beautiful Sunrise

I captured this incredible sunrise at just the right moment.  I was on my way to work, stopped at Macey's and was coming out of the store about 6:50.  I looked up at the mountains and had to stop and take a picture.  By the time I got to work, about 3 minutes later, this majestic scene was completely covered with dark clouds.
We had a RS lesson the Sunday before and one of the things remembered was that we should look for Truths about Jesus Christ.  The scriptures teach us that all things testify of Christ so we should look for Him in the events, stories, teachings, nature, etc.  Then we should record the impressions that come to us.  I was deeply touched by the beauty of nature that I saw that morning and I thanked my Heavenly Father for my eye sight that allowed me see and experience.

Surprised from my California Family

I was cleaning things around the house and happened into the little bathroom off the laundry room and was met by this sign and, yes, shed a few tears.  I love this family, love when they are here and miss them when they are gone.
Then my next surprise came the next day when I received a package in the mail right from my wish list!  I had mentioned to Jamie that I would love to get one of the phone rings like she had on her phone.  And then like magic, it is in my mail!  Thank you Jamie, I love it!
Thanks Jamie - It's great and I even attached it without your help!!!  jk

Neal Turns 75!!!

It is interesting how as life moves on and the years add on to our age, the perspective we see.  I clearly remember when I was in my 40's I thought 50 sounded so old.  Then when I turned 50 it was 60 that sounded really old.  And in my 60's, 70 sounded ancient.  Now that I am in my 70's my perspective of 'old' has changed to 80!

Neal just celebrated his 75th birthday yesterday.  75 folks.  Hard to believe that Neal and I have lived 3/4 of a century!  I'm beginning to understand now why the elderly often talk about death.  It's because we see that time of passing from this life to the next is kind of at our doorstep.  If we are lucky we may live another 20 years.  When you look at it that way then your perspective changes quickly.  Well, so much for the age thing.  Neal and I are in such good health that I feel like we will live forever.

I took Neal to breakfast for his birthday.  We went to Anna's.  It is a dive over on 9th East but they have a good breakfast menu and a cozy atmosphere.  After, we pretty much spent the day doing projects around the house until Ron and Judy came over for dinner and games.  We had clam chowder, salad and rolls for dinner and then pieced on a variety of candy and nuts for dessert.

"If ever two were one, then surely we,
If ever man were loved by wife, then thee.
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me, ye women, if you can.
I prize they love more than whole mines of gold,
or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee give recompense.
Thy love is such I can no way repay;
The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray.
Then while we live, in love let's so persevere,
That when we live no more, we may live ever."
                Ann Bradstreet

Add 75 x 75 x 75 and then add infinity to that number and that's how much I love Neal.  Happy birthday Neal!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

How The Grinch Stole Christmas

This morning we left for Stansbury where Emmi had arranged for the family to come and see How The Grinch Stole Christmas.  The fun thing is that we were at the theater before it actually opened and we were the only ones in the theater to watch the show.  Annie had breakfast casserole along with milk, chocolate milk and orange juice.  Tucker and Jamie brought doughnuts and sweet rolls.  We also had popcorn and soda fountain drinks.  It snowed during the night and the roads were not good.  Maren text us and said that they weren't going to make it after all because the roads were so bad in her area and she was only able to creep along at 15 miles per hour.  We were sad not to have the Cutlers with us but glad that they turned back rather than take a chance of being in a wreck.  Thanks, Emmi, for arranging such a fun event.  We should do it every year!

The show was absolutely darling.  After, we all drove over to Annie's and visited with them until about 1:00.  Tucker and Jamie needed to get on the road for home.  They left about 2:30.  I think they were going to make a quick stop at Maren's on their way out of town.  We loved having them here for the holiday and miss them greatly when they are gone.

 This picture of Brock and Peyton just makes me laugh.  I love it!

 This is the only picture we got of CJ and Domonie.  I'm sure glad that Jamie grabbed this one.
 Tucker got on Lynda Ann Face Book Account and posted this.  We all laughed so hard when Annie found out that she had been 'hacked'.
 My gorgeous Christmas arrangement that Jamie created!
 As I was going back in the garage after saying goodbye to my kids, I noticed my Y was upside down.  Wasn't too hard to guess who did that!  Tucker!!!!!

 They are on the road with Gam shedding a few tears.  :-(

 Lexie turned 15 today.  We love you Lexi and wish you a very happy traveling birthday!!
 Tucker gave this shirt to Neal for his birthday.