Saturday, July 5, 2014

A busy day today and the fireworks keep on going.

Neal went out to Stansbury to play 18 holes of golf with Jeff and Lynda Ann drove in to Salt Lake to do her monthly shopping at Costco.  She brought all the kids so that they could swim while she did her shopping.  I had a couple errands that I needed to run so we left Emmi in charge of the swimming Hayley and Andrew and off we went.  First to Deseret Book, then to the Wood Connection to get some little people made for my Grandma and Grandpa brag board.  The people who made them have gone out of business and I was scrambling to find someone who still made them. The interesting thing is that about the time Desmond was born and I needed to get one to hang on the board for him, Tucker had called me saying that a friend of his also had one of those boards and was looking to find more little figures.  So I called on for help from Lynda Ann.  I ordered a bunch that I will pick up on the 15th.  I bought the paint and asked Annie if she would be so kind as to paint them.  It will be nice to finally get Desmond on the board with the rest of the grandchildren and be able to send some to Tucker to give to his friend. 


From the Wood Connection (sorry you weren’t with us, Jamie – I know how you love that place) to Costco.  Saturday shopping at Costco is NOT something I would ever choose to do but surprisingly enough we got in and out of there pretty slick.  Annie had a huge load of food in her basket and I added a couple items of my own.  When we got back she rounded up the kids and she headed home for a date with Jeff.  Lyndsy, James and the two boys were in the swimming pool when I got home.  I didn’t go out and sit with them because it was just too hot.  The air conditioning in my Jeep isn’t working so by the time I got home I was near melted.  Lyndsy did come in with Desmond so I got to visit with her for a few minutes and hold that cute little boy.  Tomorrow is Sunday and I’m looking forward to a quiet and peaceful Sunday.

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