Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 24–The days of 47

I’ve never been much of a 24th of July celebration girl.  Being raised in Provo, we focused on the 4th and I don’t remember ever doing anything on the 24th.  That tradition has continued through the years.  As I’ve talked to Lila Mae about my family history, none of our ancestors came across the plains with the wagon trains or handcart groups.  My father’s side of the family (the Ross’s) came from Scotland and they came to Utah by train.  My mother’s side of the family mostly came from Main and mother is the first on her side of the family to join the church and actually move to Utah.  So mother is the pioneer of her family.  Being raised in the church I’ve heard stories all my life about the pioneers, their faith and what they endured for the gospel of Jesus Christ.  They came to the valley with nothing including the loss of family members but immediately dropped their anchors to make this valley blossom as a rose.  Theirs were anchors of tradition, values ideas, and commitment.  They can teach us much about being positive, solving problems, thinking about the future and enjoying every day.  They also knew that patience wins most battles and the showed us the example overshadows force. 

We too can be a generation who leaves anchors for the pioneers who follow us.  We can celebrate those anchors from the past, making sure to leave a few anchors for the future and having fun in the process.

I am thankful for the pioneers on both sides of my family.  But especially for a mother who saw and recognized the true gospel of Jesus Christ, excepted it, was baptized and left all she had and came to Utah so that her children could be brought up encircled by church members and near the church headquarters. 

So, today was a quiet day for Neal and I.  We watched the parade, went shopping for new cupboard doors, took our clock to be fixed and then stopped at Café Rio for Mexican food.  Maren, Greg and the kids came over for a swim.  We were joined by Lyndsy and River and went to Ice Berg for a delicious malt.

Happy 24th to all of you!


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