Tuesday, July 9, 2013

2nd day - hike

I know I wasn’t there but the events of the hike just have to be recorded for posterity.  I think some of the details will be forgotten if I don’t jot them down and what better place to jot them than on the blog.  The Gertson family, Cutler family and Goss family met at the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon and drove in tandem up to Albion Basin where they parked their cars along the road.  Apparently there is just no room for parking in the small lot that the forest service has provided so the side of the road is the alternative.  The all piled out of their cars and began their hike.  Right at the first of the hike a lady came at them with all kinds instructions about what the could and could not do – all ‘could nots’!!  And she wasn’t a forest ranger, just some random biddy who took it upon herself to yell at everyone.  She first lit into the Gertsons for having a dog in the canyon.  She noticed some of the kids picking up twigs and she told them that they couldn’t pick flowers or anything else in the canyon and they had better stay on the trail.  No one should go off the trail.  Her closing comment, which was the winner for the day was, “Where did you people grow up?”  (When they told the story to Jeff and Mindy, one of them said that they should have responded with, “We grew up in a world where people can pick flowers and twigs!”)

Apparently from all reports the hike was a lot harder than any of them had anticipated.  Hayley wiped out twice and banged her leg up good.


Apparently on the way down the trail Andrew was pouting and got ahead of the group and took the wrong fork in the trail and when everyone got to the parking lot – no Andrew.  Lynda Ann was in a panic and anxious to get to her car to drive to the other camp ground hoping he would be there.  As she was going down to her car she noticed policemen going along all the cars parked on the side of the road and giving them tickets!  They had not quite made it to her car or Lyndsy’s car but they did ticket Marens.  They also noticed the dog and lectured Annie on having a dog in the canyons and said he wouldn’t give them a ticket but he did give them a pamphlet to read about the water shed!  About this time Andrew showed up in the parking lot and everyone piled in the cars to head down the canyon.  Yes, Andrew was in . . . hummm . . . . how does Maren say that?  Oh yes, BIG FAT TROUBLE!!! 

As they were coming out of the canyon Maren stopped and talked to a couple policemen and asked how they could let the park people know that there wasn’t enough parking.  Apparently Maren had a little bit of an attitude when she was talking to them because one of them said, “Are you going to be nice to me?”  Maren smiled and said, “Yes” bringing her attitude in check.  The officer then told Maren to raise her hand and say that she would never park on the side of the road ever again, which she did.  He then asked her what the number of her ticket was and she told him and he ripped the ticket up. 

So all is well.  No major bumps or broken limbs, Andrew found and Maren’s ticket gone.  I wished I could have been there!

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