Sunday, January 23, 2011

Our trip to St. George

Judy and Ron invited Neal and I to St. George. They were going down on Thursday. Neal couldn’t leave until Friday afternoon so I opted to go down with them on Thursday. Ron had meetings all day and Judy wanted me along to go shopping with her and keep her company. We left about 7:30 a.m. and arrived in St. George about 11:30. We decided to stop at Jimmy John’s for a sandwich and then head on to the condo. We decided to stay there and eat, rather than wait and eat at the condo. As we were ready to leave, I stepped over to the counter and asked them if they had a sack we could put our sandwiches in (that we hadn’t finished). I stuffed the sandwiches in the bag and out the door we went. When we got to the condo and had unloaded everything from the car, I noticed my purse was missing. We double checked the car and it was gone. That is a horrible feeling, thinking about all your credit cards, cash, check book, driver’s license, house and car keys, etc. Amazing how much of our lives we carry in our wallets and purses. Judy and I jumped back in the car and headed back to Jimmy John’s. I said a little prayer that somebody honest would see my purse in the booth and turn it in. I ran in and sure enough someone had found it and turned it in. I asked the manager if he knew who the person was or if they had left a name and he said he didn’t know. What could have pretty much ruined a wonderful vacation was turned around because someone was honest.

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My returned purse! Doesn’t look like it is worth much from the outside but the inside is packed with all kinds of identity!

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Ron read about this place in a magazine and so we decided to venture there on Friday for lunch. Xetava is the name and if you can figure out how to pronounce it – good for you! It was a very quaint little outdoor/indoor restaurant. The weather was perfect for sitting outside.

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I had to take a picture of the menu just for Lyndsy. If you notice it says “cage free eggs”! Never in my life have I seen that written on a menu. Apparently, this place is all organic food. They even grow their own beef!

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As we were driving back we went through a little town called Santa Clara and Ron noticed this old building that is the Relief Society House erected in 1907. He did a u-turn and went back so that I could get my picture taken by the relief society house.

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Just relaxing and enjoying each other’s company.!

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We decided to go out for Chinese Food on Friday night. It was delicious and we had enough for left overs the next day.

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This was the moon that greeted us when we returned home. It was absolutely huge and gorgeous!

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The men golfed, the women shopped and did a little bit of sun bathing by the pool. Of course, we played lots of bridge. It was a wonderful weekend! Thank you Ron and Judy for your hospitality and your treasured friendship!

This sign at Jake’s Old House just about sums it up – LIFE IS GOOD!

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