Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Eve Events



The famous cereal exchange.  This is a tradition that started the second or third year that Neal and I were married.  I had asked each one of the children what their favorite cereal was.  I went to the grocery store and purchased a full case of each favorite.  Christmas morning when the opened their cereal to our surprise Tucker asked if someone wanted to trade a box for a box.  Thus began the cereal stock exchange!  Each year Neal and I buy five boxes of whatever sugar cereal is on sale.  They are wrapped and distributed by case.  The cases are opened and the exchange begins.  Depending on the cereal on favored ones you may end up trading two for one.  This year we shuffled a deck of cards, dealt them out and then with another deck turned over one card at a time.  If you had the matching card in your hand you could chose an unwrapped case or take a case from someone else.  This continues until the last card is turned over. 


There is a poem that goes, “I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me”.  Fits Emmi and Peyton to a tee!


Boston was sick during the holidays and ended up at the Insta-care. 


All of the girls sat at one table.


All the little boys at another.  I couldn’t get River and Andrew to sit long enough to get a picture of them.  Brock was the only one who would cooperate.

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Tucker reading the nativity.

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Finally opening the presents.


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