Thursday, December 23, 2010

Another homemade Christmas present.

This was a dish that Lynda Ann made me when she was in 7th grade. Interesting to me how mother's hang on to these 'priceless' items from our children. In reality they are priceless because of the memories that come with them. I'm thinking that it was in 7th grade that Lynda Ann was leaving for school and her dad happened to still be home as Annie was going out the door. He noticed her tennis shoes were literally being held together by safety pins. She must have had 10 or 15 safety pins in each shoe. As she closed the door he turned to me (rather irritated) and said, "Can we not afford some nice shoes for her? Does she have to go to school with her shoes being held together by safety pins?" I informed him that it was the style and that she had plenty of clothes and shoes. I might add that Annie always had safety pins either in her shoes, or pinning the bottom of her pants around the ankle so they would be tight.

Notice that I use this dish to house my safety pins!!

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