Thursday, September 16, 2010

I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe!

This cartoon has to be my all time favorite cartoon . There have been so many times in my life, and sadly seems to be more and more of them, where I think, "Did I miss that?", "Was I supposed to be somewhere?"

I'm not now and never have been a calendar keeper. I don't make lists of things I need to do and put them in priority and keep them in a planner. I've tried that and it just doesn't work for me because more than half the time my planner isn't with me! I don't write down my 'have to do's' and 'going to do's' today, tomorrow, next week or next month. I some how am usually able to keep them filed in my brain and be where I need to be and have done what I need to have done!

My children have learned that I like a heads up notice and I will often ask them to give me a call the day before or the day of to make sure I don't miss out on something they or the grandchildren are doing. I'm afraid I have to admit that some times I am a bit scattered. The amazing thing is that most of the time I'm able to keep track of what needs to be done and am pretty good about accomplishing assignments or needs on time and being where I'm supposed to be.

I have noticed that since I've been made the stake relief society president I have found it necessary to keep a 'church' calendar of the meetings , what time, where and also what wards I'm supposed to be visiting on any given Sunday or what relief society activity I have been invited to attend during the week. My mind just can't possibly keep all that organized!

But all that aside - I love this posted cartoon and hope that when you look at it, you will also catch the humor in it as I did.

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