Saturday, February 5, 2011

What a fun Saturday evening

Neal and I met Lyndsy, James and River at the Texas Roadhouse (Lyndsy’s choice) for dinner to celebrate her graduation from massage therapy school. We didn’t buy her a gift but instead treated them to dinner. The steaks were out of this world, they were so tender. Neal was the only one who didn’t order a steak. He got a bowl of chili. Lyndsy gave him a bad time about coming to a steak house and not having a steak. I did give him a couple of bites of mine. We enjoyed our visit and the meal. Lyndsy still has to take her exams but she shouldn’t have a problem passing them. We are proud of you Lyndsy!

James said that his parents are still wanting to buy a home here in Salt Lake. His dad travels a lot and Lorette is home alone. They would like to be closer to the grandkids. They are hoping that sometime in the late Spring or early summer they will be able to buy a home. James and Lyndsy are hoping to be able to move out of their apartment and move into the home with his parents.

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River sported his Tigger hat, which he was very proud of!

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Lyndsy had mentioned that the rolls were to die for. I have to admit, they were very good but the raspberry butter that they serve with them was the draw for me. Man that stuff was so good.

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After dinner we hugged, said our “Goodbyes” and were off to Jim and Midge’s home for and evening of bridge and laughter and some delicious chocolate cream pie from Cowboy Grub.

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We stayed until about 12:00 and then headed home. We were going to leave at 11:00 but the evening always seems to go a little longer, especially when we are having so much fun.

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