Thursday, February 10, 2011

I see you!

Yikes!  I had my eyes done yesterday and I look like an alien!  They are so swollen.  They are a tiny bit better today but I’ve a ways to go yet before the swelling is completely gone.  I have to add that it didn’t really hurt, it was more irritating than it hurt.  I’m just glad it is done and will be even happier when the swelling disappears.  Oh my, I try not to look at how old I’m getting with all the wrinkles appearing but when I take a close up like this – there is no denying – the wrinkles are everywhere! 

 February.2011 007 February.2011 008

1 comment:

  1. Why are they so black?? are you going for the "I just got punched in the face" look? :)
