Friday, February 18, 2011

The Snow Moon

I was watching the news last night and the weatherman mentioned the beautiful full snow moon hanging in our Eastern skies.  I looked up at our half moon shaped window and there right in the middle of it was this beautiful moon.  When I come home from work on a wintery night, if I don’t have a meeting to attend, I get snuggled in for the night and don’t  go outside until the next morning.  I probably would have missed this beautiful sight of nature had I not been watching the news while cross stitching.  I was hoping to get a picture of the moon this morning but the skies are blanketed with clouds. 

February.2011 037 February.2011 035 

I also have to add the Mindy called me last night with some very exciting news.  She applied for a job at the University of Utah.  She has been through two interviews and they called her yesterday and told her they wanted her to come work for them.  She was excited about the new adventure.  She says the pay is right where she wanted it and she will be working 30 hours a week.  Plus her insurance premiums will be less and her kids can go to college at half tuition!  What a bonus in this day and age.  Congratulations, Mindy, I am so proud of you!!  Oh, does this mean you get a faculty dispensation on tickets for your hubby and your father-in-law? 

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