Sunday, August 1, 2021

Sunday Thoughts

 Storyworth has been sending me a sentence each week that I write on.  So far it has been a fun assignment each week and I look forward with anticipation as to what the next subject will be.  Every week I find it a challenge as well as an interesting challenge to bring my thoughts together and put them down on paper.  This week was no exception.  In fact, I think this was maybe the hardest thinking one for me so far.  The sentence was:  "What do you consider one of your greatest achievements in your life?"   I think it is something for all of us to think about.  What would you say is your greatest achievement?  

It seems to me that this is one of those words that changes a little bit depending on the person who is using the term or in my case, who is assigned to write about it.  I've come to the conclusion that there is a single common thread about every person when it comes to achievement(s).  That thread is that they had to work hard for their success.  

As I think about what my achievements may have been, it is without doubt, because of my mother's influence.  She had the greatest impact on making me who I am today.  Her rules and teachings are and always will be a part of me.  Those are deep seeds that were planted in me from childhood.  

I decided that my achievements are not about trophy's or awards I've won, rather it is what I have learned and accomplished on my life's journey.  Because I will be 77 this week, I decided to see if I could list 77 things that I consider my greatest achievements in my life so far.  And I did it!  In my paper that I wrote I was able list 77 wins or achievements in my life.  Maybe some day you will have a chance to read that paper and see what I wrote.  For now, you will just have to take my word for it. 

I made the list not to satisfy my ego and certainly not to show people "oooh look what I've done' but more as a challenge at writing this assignment and looking at which areas in my life I have focused and created an outcome as a result of dedicated and directed energy.  

So, my Sunday thought is this.  I believe that my greatest accomplishment is where I am right now.  I believe that life is a constant work-in-progress and that all the huge, monumental moments or small quiet ones, all makeup who I am and are my own achievements in life.  I have many, many things to be proud of and more things to be happy and at peace with.  

Go think about your achievements in your life and have a happy, beautiful and spiritual Sabbath.

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