Saturday, July 3, 2021

Storyworth and Sunday Thoughts

 This is the gift that Jamie gave me and it has been very interesting to write on a subject each week.  So far, these are the sentences that Jamie has picked out for me to write about:

At What Times in Your Life Were You the Happiest and Way?

Describe one of your most memorable birthdays.

Have you Ever Won Anything?

What is one of the raves things you've ever done and what was the outcome?

What is one of your favorite trips that you've taken and what made it great?

What is some of the best advice your mother ever gave you?

Who are the funniest people in your family?


What is Your idea of perfect Happiness?

This last question was one that really made me think.  But I liked what I wrote and I'm going to share a little bit of it.

I'm not sure anyone can say what perfect happiness is.  I don't believe it is just one moment of our journey.  I think it is many moments that come and go and that we hopefully recognize. . . . . .

I am blessed with a family that continually inspires me and gives me motivation and strength.  I have a husband who loves and supports me.  My perfect happiness comes from being surrounded by loved ones, family dinners and gathered around the kitchen table playing games.  The laughter, the smiles the comradery.  Knowing that my children and grandchildren are all right. . . . . 

I have come to the realization that it is great to find happiness in the simple things.  Perfect happiness can be experience by loving, giving, and forgiving.  A quote my mother share with me, "It's not about having what you want, but wanting what you have."  My own happiness really depends on me.  Whether it is having a cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter morning or watching the sunrise over Mt. Olympus as I sit on the steps on our patio and tell myself that I am blessed to have perfect happiness. 

I hope we can all learn to be totally present and at peace in the moment.  We need to learn to recognize daily blessings that bring perfect happiness to our lives.  Smiles, feeling he wind, the sunshine, the rain.  Sometimes we need to just let ourselves be simply quiet. 

I left a lot of stuff out but I think the words above are good for all of us to see, feel and understand where our blessings of happiness come from.  Thanks, Jamie, for this great gift.  So far, it has been very fun and very rewarding.

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