Saturday, July 3, 2021

Early Morning Walks

Mindy Leetham and I are still getting up at 5 a.m. to go walking.  We've really enjoyed our talks as we have walked.  I am always finding money.  Nothing big but I have found many pennies, a couple dimes and even a quarter.  The other day Mindy actually spotted a quarter.  I always think of what my mother used to say to me, "He who lets a penny lie, will never a millionaire die."  Well I keep picking them up but I certainly will never be a millionaire!  The other morning we spotted a dear with velvet horns and a squirrel.  I had a couple pictures of he cute little squirrel who lives over in the trees by Cottonwood High School but I cant find them.  But, he was cute.  

And a gorgeous sky!  The morning sun rises have been amazing the past couple of weeks.


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