Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Monday - day 3

 Monday was a non family gathering day.  I went to work for a few hours.  Tucker had arranged for the girls to take a self defense class and then from there they were going out to visit their friends in Bountiful.  Lynda Ann and her family left in the morning to head for Wyoming for a couple of days.  Neal went to school and I to work.  We had a nice quiet meal together on Monday.  Tucker and Jamie didn't get home until about 11:00 that evening.  So there wasn't much to report for Monday.  

Tuesday morning Jamie and I headed to a couple stores to see if we could find a battery for my lap top (with no success) so we went to Costco and I bought a new lap top.  We also had pedicures and a Swig drink.  It was a very fun morning.  This is Jamie literally taking my computer completely apart to get to the battery!

There were 10 little tiny screws holding the computer together.  

Jamie took a picture of us at the salon but for some reason they didn't transfer to my phone.  I do have this picture of Neal's toe, my toe Peyton and Jamie's toes.  Look so nice and feel so good!
After our errands, we headed to Hires to meet up with Maren's family and the kids.  We had a delicious hamburger lunch and stayed there for some time just talking.  Then home to hang out and visit for the evening.  Somewhere during the evening it was decided that Tucker wanted to get a Swig and visit Fizz and another place to compare drinks and cookies.  While he and most of the group were gone, Greg, Jamie and I stayed home.  I did some cleaning while Jamie worked on my computer to get it all set up for me.  She is amazing and so willing to help me when she can.  It took her most of the evening to get everything set up and ready to go.  It wasn't an easy task because there was so much going on and she was continually interrupted.  But she persevered and I'm happily typing and blogging on my new lap top!  THANK YOU JAMIE!!  Sadly, again, some of the pictures that Jamie took on her phone and transferred to mine won't transfer to the computer.  that is a mystery. 

We stayed up until after midnight playing games and reminiscing and laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.  The story of Neal thumping Derek on the head with a pen and Maren losing her tooth while saying pickity-pass.  Along with many other stories.  I did not want the evening to end as it would bring about the morning hours when 'goodbyes' would be said and my California family would head South once again.  But as the old saying goes, "All good things must come to an end" and it did.  This morning at about 7:30 we said our sad goodbyes and I waved as the tail lights disappeared down the street.  I tried my best not to cry but I just don't seem to be able to say goodbye with out some tear in my eyes.  Can one cry happy and sad tears all at the same time?

I do LOVE this family!

They were half way home!  And I just got word that they arrived safe and sound at around 8:30 our time.  Just what we prayed for :-)

What an incredible fun, active and busy time.  Lots of memories that will stay with all of us for ever.

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