Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Another project? Why not!

This is what it should look like when completed. The center says "Families Are Forever"

The colored part is what I have already done. I have to mark each square or line of stitches as I do them so I will remember what I've done and where I need to start. You always start in the center and work your way out when doing counted cross stitch.
I started this project on Sunday of October General Conference. My mother always told me that "Every stitch I took on Sunday I would have to pick out with my nose when I got to Heaven". Boy, I sure hope she didn't mean hand stitching. I'm hoping she was referring to not mending or sewing on the machine on Sundays.

It is always interesting to me how I can't seem to survive or feel good unless I have a dozen or more projects lined up. Some urgent and some for when I get to them. You would think that at this time of the year taking on any more projects would be insane and you would be right! I'm finding that the older I get the more and more I realize how like my mother I am. She was never one to sit idle. If there was sewing to be done it would be done in the early hours of the morning or into the late hours of the night. If there was a television show she wanted to watch, then she would be doing hand sewing or crocheting while watching a show. I can hardly remember a Saturday that I didn't come bustling in the house to run right into the quilting frame set up in the front room with mother and Lila Mae working on a quilt. Even when mother would come home from work during her lunch hour she would be reading while eating her lunch. She was always busy. She often said to me, "Idle hands are the devils tools." Maybe that stuck in my head more than I realize. I've often heard people say that they would be so bored if they retired or they just wouldn't know what to do with themselves all day. I think I have enough projects in waiting right now to keep me busy for years. I would never have to worry about what to do.

Yes, I'm right in the middle of Christmas sewing projects but saw a sampler that I just couldn't resist sending for. It's pictured above. Who am I doing it for? No one in particular. Maybe just me. I don't know that my children really get into the country sampler world so it may hang with some of the others that I have stitched, cleaned and left hanging in the back of the closet.

Counted cross stitch for me is like putting a puzzle together. I love to see the picture began to take shape and love to admire it when it is all put together down to the last stitch. I shall keep a tab and update the progress of this project as each month goes by. Speaking of months, can you believe it is already October!

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