Saturday, November 7, 2015

Time to prepare for winter!

Today, Annie, Jeff and Abby came in to Salt Lake.  Neal and Jeff went golfing in the 54 degree weather while Abby, Annie and Abby and I ran some errands.  We also picked up Emmi out in the South part of Salt Lake.  She was here for a class assignment field trip.  She decided to not go back with the class but stay at home for the weekend.  She will go home tomorrow evening.  Jeff and Annie had a date night for the movies and eating out so they left in the early afternoon.  Neal went out and started cleaning off the patio.  He stacked all the patio furniture and cut down all the flowers in the pots and hauled the numerous pots to be stored in the garage until next Spring.  It was sad to see everything being put away for this year in preparation for the winter months ahead.  I did go out and sweep off the patio and help Neal do the finishing touches. Notice how dark it is.  It was 5:30 when I took this picture and I had to turn on the patio lights.  I don't love these short days!

 The pots all stacked neatly in the garage.

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