Sunday, November 22, 2015

A fun Saturday

I love it when Neal spends a whole day with me just running from here to there, catching up on 'stuff', and having lunch or breakfast together.  That was our Saturday yesterday.  Friday morning I woke up with a Hyphema.  If you don't know what that is, it is blood in the colored area of your eye.  My vision was blurry and you could plainly see the blood.  I called the eye doctor and got in to see him early that morning.  Because he was at the satellite office in Sandy, he didn't have the equipment he needed to really check and see what the problem was.  So he made an apt. for me to meet him at the Salt Lake Clinic the next morning (Saturday) at 9:00 where he would do an ultra sound.

Saturday morning Neal and I drove to the clinic and my eye checked.  The blood was completely gone, my vision was normal and when he did the ultra sound he could find absolutely nothing wrong nor could he see any evidence of where the Hyphema came from or what might has caused it.  The only thing we could come up with was maybe I had strained my eye a little while rowing at the gym.

The doctor was surprised that it was completely healed but I smiled and thought that it was because of the prayer that Neal had said Friday morning.  Believe what you want, but I will stand by that forever.  We should never doubt the power of prayer, EVER!!!!

After the doctors office we went to Target to get gift certificates for sub for Santa and some groceries for Thanksgiving.  From there to my favorite stitchery place for some lettering.  Then to Deseret Book for Christmas stuff, then to Costco for more Thanksgiving shopping and last to Habit's for lunch.  Neal had heard about his place from one of his students.  It was good, but I'm still a fan of In and Out.  I took a picture of Neal because he just can't leave one crumb of food!

After a delicious lunch we headed for home so that Neal could watch U of U lose (**tee hee**) and BYU trounce Fresno.  I actually had a few more errands to run so had to go back out for a couple more items for the arrival of Tucker, Jamie and the girls.  They are arriving tonight and I can hardly wait!!

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