Sunday, November 29, 2015

Saying "goodbye" once again.

This is the hardest time for me and for Peyton.  I could say that some day she and I will grow out of it, but I'm already 71 and haven't grown out of it yet so, Peyton, I don't think there is much hope for you.  Goodbyes are just always going to be a bit harder for you and me.  Tucker and Jamie had decided to leave about 9:00 but reality was more like 10:30.  They were well ready to leave by 9:00 but Jamie always leaves the basement immaculate and that can only happen when everything is packed and out to the car.  It just takes extra time to pack, get three girls moving, clean the bathroom, haul laundry upstairs and start a load of wash and then vacuum everywhere.  Thank you Jamie for always leaving me with nothing to do but put clean towels back and make the bed.

We all sat around the kitchen table chatting and for me, avoiding the inevitable.  Jamie finally said, that we needed to have family prayer and be on the road.  Tucker asked Neal to say the prayer and then we slowly made our way to the car.  Lots of hugs and held back tears, waves goodbye and a car driving out of sight.  We love having them come and enjoy every minutes they are here which makes it even harder to say goodbye.
There always has to be a selfie of the group.

 This is a picture of Lexi saying goodbye to her birthday balloons.  Funny story here.  Tucker told me that Peyton wanted to such in some helium to make her voice go higher.  Apparently she sucked in too much and she passed out!  Scary but kind of funny.  She wanted to do it again (not pass out) and promised Tucker she would only suck in a little, but Tucker told her absolutely not.  Lexi wanted to take the smiley face home with her but both parents said that was not an option to have that balloon floating around in the car for 12+ hours.
 All piled in after hugs.
 Pulling out on a snowy morning.  The first snow of the winter.
It is hard to see but all the windows were rolled down and everyone had their arms out waving their final goodbye.  My heart ached.
 I wanted to add here that Tucker was having a problem with his foot and then his leg.  We were concerned that he might have a blood clot so Neal took him to the ER on Friday morning.  They ran all kinds of tests and did an ultra sound on his leg but could find nothing wrong.  They were actually going to leave on Friday and go by way of Lake Tahoe. Jamie wanted to attend a guide dog graduation for one of her clients that she had enjoyed working with.  However because of weather issues and the concern about Tucker's leg they decided to wait and leave Saturday morning and go straight home through Southern Utah.   We did get a text from them that they arrived home at 12:45 in the morning.  I'm sure they were happy to be home after a long drive.  

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