Sunday, May 2, 2021

Another moment in time.

 The other day, I got a notice from Ancestry with a little box that they said I should click on to see a picture.  I don't usually pay much attention to the website but happened to be curious about this so I clicked on it and this picture came up.  

I honestly do not remember ever singing in a quartet with Bonnie Nash and Larry Reford and the other dude that I have no idea who he is.  Apparently, it happened in high school and it looks like I was a senior.  I'm so baffled that I don't remember.  I don't know who had the picture or why it got posted but I'm glad it showed up.  I love that we called ourselves the "Off Beats".  It must have been a one time thing that we did for the assembly.  I was involved in a lot of assemblies and can remember most of them, but I sure don't remember this one.  Talk about a blast from the past.  I need to contact Bonnie and find out if she remembers and maybe get some more details.  

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