Monday, August 17, 2015

Two miracles. Miracle #1

There were two things that happened on Saturday as we left Mexico and headed home.  Neal and I always insist on having prayer before we leave on a road trip.  I don't think Ron and Judy do that as a rule of thumb but they know that when they travel with us prayer is part of our 'have to' list.  Ron asked me to say the prayer.  There wasn't anything particularly unusual about my prayer except that I specifically felt to ask for our safety on the road as we traveled home.

We decided that we all wanted to see the Tijuana temple on our way out of Mexico.  We knew, it was centered in Tijuana somewhere but had no idea where.  We can't use our phones because we are not set up for out of country use so we were pretty much on our own.  Ron and Judy knew how to get to the road that would take us along outskirts of Tijuana.  It would be like taking 215 and going around the city of Salt Lake.  So off we went.  As we got closer and closer to Tijuana we decided it might be a good idea to stop at service stations along the way and ask if anyone knew where the Mormon temple was.  Amazingly enough but also discouragingly enough every stop we made and everyone we asked who could speak a little English knew about the big new white building that was called the Mormon temple but no one knew how to direct us to it.  As we got closer and closer to the border with no success we decided that maybe we should just head on home and try and find it the next time we came down.  We were all discouraged because even Ron and Judy were excited to see it.  I finally said a prayer between me and my Heavenly Father asking that if He could, would He somehow direct us to the temple.  As I finished, Ron said, "Let's make just one more stop right here at this little convenience store.  The border is about 2 miles away so let's give it one last chance that someone might know."  Ron and Neal got out of the car and started asking and got the very same response.  Yes, they had seen the big white Mormon building but couldn't direct us to it in English.  Just as they were turning to come back to the car, a lady drove in, got out of her car and Neal noticed that she had garments on!  The sleeve of her garment was showing below her blouse sleeve just a little bit.  Neal walked over to her and asked her if she were LDS at which she replied, "Si!"  He then told her that we were looking for the temple and could she tell us where it was.  She said she knew just where it was but couldn't explain how to get there in her limited English.  She must have felt our need and desire because she said, "Follow me."  Interesting she would use those words.  She had people in her car and I'm sure had her on schedule and places to be but she insisted that we follow her.  She led us through the streets of Tijuana and right to the temple.  She even got out of her car and somehow convinced the guard to let us drive through the gates so that we could get closer!  With a few tears in her eyes and ours, we bid her Adios Amigo and slipped some money in her hands for gas.  Now, you tell me that was nothing short of a miracle that we happened to stop and she just happened to drive in at the very same time.  The church is true.  Heavenly Father is there and He does hear and answer prayers.  Even one as simple as "help us find the temple."

What a beautiful temple.  I was teary thinking about all the members in Mexico who will now have the opportunity to attend the temple as often as they wish.  We are so blessed to live in a city surrounded by temples.
A P.S.  I LOVED the bell tower and the Spanish look.

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