Saturday, August 9, 2014

The last of the birthday celebration–Adults night out!

I was really looking forward to our get-together on Friday night.  It isn’t often that the adults are all together with out the children.  We all met at Litza’s Pizza on 4th South and 7th East at 5 p.m.  We enjoyed lots of good food and good conversations and laughter.  That is the one of many things I love about my children is that they love to laugh and have fun.  They seem to be able to put aside any problems they may have with each other and just enjoy the moment.  After our dinner of pizza, salads and drinks we gathered outside for a picture.  Even getting a group of adults together for a picture can be a challenge, especially with my kids because there is always some craziness involved as you can see by the pictures below.


After we had finally settled down and had a picture taken and we starting to get in our cars someone said, “Where’s Lyndsy?”  She finally came out of the restaurant and we had a good laugh, lined the group up again, got some poor guy coming out the door to take a picture and snapped a couple more and then headed back to the house for visiting and games.


It was so interesting to walk in the house and have it be quiet!  We visited for a little while and then gathered around the table to play “What Were You Thinking?” and “What’s Your’s Like?”  Jeff and Mindy left early as Jeff wasn’t feeling well.  We missed having them be a part of the festivities.  Oh, and I have to add here that Greg, who LOVES table games (and I say that with all the sarcasm I can muster) had hidden the cards on top the china cabinet and the game “What’s Your’s Like” in the washroom on top the the dryer.  Of course, we found them.  At least we didn’t make him play a card game.  It was a fun evening and I enjoyed being with my kids and being able to laugh until I couldn’t breathe!


A “selfie” of Tucker and Jamie.  tucker, you look way to ‘sweet’!


I should add here that Jordyn Lyn spent the night at Cutler’s with Taylor and Lexi and Peyton and Grayson spent the night at the Gertsons.  It was nice to have Emmi responsible enough to drive all the kids back to Stansbury that evening. 

Everyone left about 12:30 and headed to their homes.  Jamie got a call just after Lynda Ann and Jeff arrived at their home informing Jamie that Peyton had been jumping on the trampoline and had injured her ankle.  It was not news that Jamie wanted to hear knowing that the girls had dance tryouts on Monday.  Annie wrapped it and iced it and Jamie said they would look at it when Annie brought the kids back in on Saturday.  Then the would decide if they needed to see a doctor. 

All of the kids are gathering at the house again today to exchange children, swim and say their ‘goodbyes’ to Tucker, Jamie and the girls.  Never a time that we look forward to. 

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