Friday, August 29, 2014

Swiss Days foiled again!

Annie and I have been planning on going to Swiss Days for the past two weeks.  She arranged for her kids to be picked up for school and I had enough over time to take Friday off.  We also had stuff we had to enter at the fair.  We met at 7:30 at the fair grounds where she was going to leave her car, we would then take the Jeep to Midway and from their to deliver some stuff to Emmi, then back to the fair to enter my cross stitch and Emmi and Mallorys pottery and pin collection. 

Just as we were leaving to head for Midway, Neal called and said that the garage door was broken again.  The chain was all tangled up and he couldn’t get his car out of the garage.  He two classes to teach and needed to get to UVU.  So, Annie jumped back in her car and we went back to our house to let Neal take the Jeep and Annie and I the van.  By the time we had made all this detouring, Annie and I decided that our ‘getting to Swiss Days early’ was long gone.  We decided to just go to Provo and deliver the stuff to Emmi, take her to lunch. 

Here are some pictures from Heritage Halls where Emmi will be housed for this year.  The first two pictures are looking out her kitchen window.  The tower with the Y on it and the Y on the mountain.


The next picture is Annie and Emmi unpacking stuff that Lynda Ann had brought to her.  The second picture is my favorite.  On her desk is a picture of her and Derrick!


The next picture is Emmi pointing at her shelf in the bathroom.  Notice all the stuff on the upper and lower shelf and then Emmi’s.  No girly stuff there.  Just the necessities.  A hair brush, toothpaste and toothbrush. Oh yes, I think there was a razor.   The second picture is Heritage Halls #27.  These are brand new dorms and they are beautiful. 


Emmi needed some stuff at WalMart so we drove over there and while we were shopping who should she run into but Matt Meese from Studio C.  I haven’t seen her that excited in a long time.  She asked him if she could have her picture with him.  She sent it to all her friends.  If you don’t know who Matt Meese is then you’ll have to watch Studio C on the BYU channel. 


The last two pictures are outside Heritage Halls and Emmi pointing to herself in the picture that was taken of all the Freshmen. 


We had a fun day.  Headed back to Salt Lake to go to the Wood Connection, Costco and then on to the fair grounds to official enter my four pieces of counted cross stitch and the pottery and pin collection of the girls.  We were sorry we missed Swiss Days but I totally enjoyed wandering around on BYU campus, hearing the Caroline Bells chiming on the hour, and remembering my years at BYU.  Good memories.

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