Sunday, August 3, 2014

70 Years!

Who would have ever thought!  I NEVER thought of myself as a 70 year old!  Nope, never crossed my mind.  Interesting how age just kind of creeps up on you.  I think my first realization that I was in the ‘older’ generation was when mother died and I became aware that I was that next and ‘older’ generation.  There wasn’t anyone in front of me – I was next in line.  Well, I have some thoughts about being 70 and my journey but I’ll save those for the end of the day.  Let’s move to the beginning of my birthday celebration. 

Neal started out Saturday morning by giving me a new golf shirt and hat.  I was surprised because we had agreed (so I thought) that because he had fixed the air conditioning in the Jeep that would be my birthday present.  So it was a nice surprise.


We loaded up the car with our golf clubs and headed out to Stansbury where we met Jeff and Abby and headed out to the golf course.  I wanted to get a picture but had left my phone in my purse in the trunk of the car, so no pictures of Abby golfing for the second time.  She did great and out drove me a couple of times.  If she stays with the game, she may be able to out drive Emmi.  She is very strong.

After Abby and I golfed nine holes we had Lynda Ann pick us up and the girls went to lunch while Neal and Jeff finished another nine holes.  We left Stansbury about 4:30.  I was anxious to get home and get a few things done around the house in anticipation of the arrival of Tucker and his family.  I tried to keep myself busy so the time would go by faster but I think it went by just as slow for me waiting as it did for them driving here.  They finally pulled in about 10:30 p.m.


They all piled out of the car and the hugs and kisses and “I’m so glad you’re finally here” and I’m so glad we are here were all communicated with happy smiles.  Peyton announced that she had gum in her hair (which I might add had to be cut out) and Jordyn posed for a “glad we are here” picture.


Father and son had to pose for the “whose the tallest” shot and “whose the broadest”! 


Then came the normal conversations about Neal’s flowers and “How does your garden grow?” Along with just general catch up questions, unloading the car, and at least a couple silly pictures.


Don’t you love Jamie’s eyes in this picture.  Was she looking at me because she wanted me to save her from the long scenario of Neal’s flower pots?  Hummm 

After unloading the car we all went out on the patio, found a chair and visited in the cool evening for a little while before going back in the house for a pre-bedtime snack.  The three girls went to bed and Neal and I, Tucker and Jamie stayed up until almost 2:00 a.m. talking.  It’s those moments when the four of us are gathered around the table, that I long for them to live in Utah. 



At a little after 1:30 a.m. Neal and I had prayers, climbed into bed, hugged each other and said how grateful we were that they had arrived safe and drifted off to sleep thinking how we were looking forward to a fun filled week. with them. 

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