Sunday, March 28, 2021

Finished Projects and New Projects

 I will always have a stitching project of some kind going.  Doing counted cross stitch is the most satisfying and rewarding thing and the most relaxing thing for me to do.  So on that note, I will always have some kind of project at my bedside to help me wind down from the days activities.  I've had a couple projects done and finally took the time to take them to the Frame Shop.  Here are my finished projects.

V is for Valentine is a series of small alphabet projects.  Each one is only about 8X10 and very fun to just put on a stand for the appropriate time of year.  I have A is for Acorn, T is for Turkey, O is for Old Glory.  The lady who designed them hasn't done the whole alphabet yet but I hope to collect and do them as she posts them for stitching.  

This is one that is specifically did for President and Sister Little.  They have a cabin in Oakley and we were invited to spend an afternoon with them at their new cabin and I thought this would be perfect to hang in their second home.  President Mike Little was our Stake President when I was serving as the Stake Relief Society President.  Sister Little has been a good friend for years so I thought it would be appropriate to give them this as a "thank you" for their service to the stake and their friendship.
This is a hand painted picture that Abby did for me.  I had it framed with a soft gray wood to accent the temple and the beautiful spring blossoms.  I love this painting and will cherish it always.  I know the love and hours of time that went into such a project.  Thank you Abby, it is beautiful and will always remind me of you.
This project is one that I started a month ago.  Mallory saw it and immediately laid claim to it.  I'm always happy when someone notices something I'm doing and asks if they can have it.  Makes it much more fun knowing that it isn't just a project but a project that is actually going to someone.  Obviously, it still needs to be pressed and framed.  
So now begins my next project.  The saying on this is a song that the Tabernacle Choir sings and it is one of my favorite songs.  When I saw that it had been put on a sampler, I just had to do it.  I will start it this week.  This one will probably take me a long time to do.  I'm excited to get started on it.

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