Sunday, April 1, 2018


Wow!  Can you believe it is Easter already.  I think about Jeffrey and miss him.  The wonderful thing about Easter is that it gives us hope.  There is hope, no matter what, there is hope.  That is the message of Easter.  If a man dies, will he live again?  Yes.  When death steals a loved one away, we think of the resurrection and we have hope.  Because of Christ, there is hope, no matter what, there is always hope.  How wonderful this gospel message is.  I often think of the song, "Consider the Lillies of the Field."  That song always touches my heart deeply.  I bear testimony to all my children, grandchildren and posterity that Christ died for us and that he was resurrected and because of that we will all be together forever as a family.

Yesterday we celebrated Easter.  We had Mindy and her family, Lynda Ann and her family along with Jeff's parents, Maren and her family and Lyndsy and her two boys.  Of course we greatly miss our California family.  I know how much Tucker loves our traditions and misses being a part of them.  We did have contact from Derek.  He and Mindy were texting back and forth and he told Mindy to give me a hug, which she did.

We had the traditional dinner followed by the egg contest, followed by dessert and topped off with games until about 10:00.  What a wonderful day.  Happy Easter to all!  I bought a new Easter platter.  They have plates to match and I may have to splurge and buy them.  I'm hoping they will go on sale tomorrow.
 Sweet Abby gave me a vase and a bouquet of flowers for Easter.  She is such a thoughtful grandchild.
 Just sitting down for dinner.  This isn't everyone but most of the crowd.  We had 23 people for dinner and festivities.
 This picture of everyone holding up their Easter eggs for the contest.
 My egg and Neal's egg.  Obvious which one is mine and which one is Neals.
 Maren and Lynda Ann smashing eggs.  The next picture tell you who won and who lost that hit.

 Andrew comes out the winner for 2018!  Congrats Andrew Man!
 The traveling trophy getting signed with Andrew's name and year.

I forgot to add these two pictures of the chicken cake surrounded by little bunny rabbits.

 As we waved goodbye to the last car pulling out of the drive way, we turn around and saw this gorgeous moon.  Emmi even texted me to look at the moon.What a beautiful way to end a perfect day.  (this picture was actually taken the night before at Wheeler Farm.  But, it was just the same as it appeared over Mt. Olympus.)

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