Sunday, May 26, 2013

Maren got caught!

I got a call from Greg asking me if he and the family could come into our neck of the woods and attend Sacrament meeting with us.  I told him I had to speak in another ward and would be visiting another relief society meeting so wouldn’t be at our ward but that Neal would be there.  The story goes that Greg and Maren are getting their house ready to put on the market and Greg had all kinds of calls to substitute Sunday school classes and he just didn’t have the time to prepare lessons so he told each caller that he would be out of town.  Well, you can’t very well attend your ward meetings when you are supposed to be out of town, thus the phone call to us.  I think going from Herriman to Murray is going out of town, don’t you? 

Our sacrament meeting is from 11:00 to 12:10.  My meetings were from 10:30 to 12:30 and then I had a little break before my next meeting so I decided to run home and grab a couple of things and then head out to my next meeting.  As I was driving into the complex, I noticed the garage door was open.  I pulled in and saw Maren and Greg’s car in the center of the driveway.  As I walked up to their car I saw Greg in the passenger seat with Jaden, Taylor and Brock in the back seats.  Maren and Boston were in the house.  So, I visited with Greg and the kids until we saw Maren coming out of the house and in her hands were three baggies of M&M’s.  I heard Greg say, “Oh, no, Maren you’re caught, you’re caught red handed and you don’t even know it!”  She started to punch in the numbers to close the garage door and Greg and I called to her to stop.  I wish I had a camera at that moment to capture the look of total surprise on her face at seeing me standing there.  Of course, we all had a good laugh over her being caught taking M&M’s.  I have to admit, it was the highlight of my day. 

I’m glad my children are comfortable coming in and helping themselves to what they want.  It was a great moment and I chuckled about it off and on all day long.  It was nice to see them and visit with them for a minute and to catch Maren with her hand in the candy! 

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