Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rosarito, Mexico Trip

There is nothing more beautiful than coming out of Nephi and see the skyline of Mt. Timpanogas.
This is a picture of the statue I refered to. You can see how big it is in comparison to the two story house below it. Someone made a map to Ron and Judy's condo with the note, "It is 2 miles past Jesus."

Rod, Neal and Ron washing all their found golf balls for the week. I think somewhere in the neighborhood of close to 200! Neal says he found at least 100 of them!

Right after getting our toes done at the price of $12.00 a piece. No wonder everyone in San Diego goes across the border to have the toes done!

Whose toes?

Scenic picture walking along the pathway to Ron and Judy's condo.

Golf balls found in just one day!

My birthday present from Ron and Judy. Of course PINK!

My birthday dinner. Judy fixed shrimp coctails with steak and all the trimmings ending with her delicious bread pudding! What a wonderful 66th birthday!

This is shrimp to buy at the grocery store. Everyone just digs in and helps themselves.

Chicken sits out all day!

Grocery shopping. Neal, Ron, Judy and Rod.

Neal and Ron hunting for golf balls.

Just played 9 and ready to go again. Notice Judy will always have a diet coke in hand.

Eating lunch between 18 holes of golf. Neal, Judy, Ron and Rod.

Neal getting ready to do his very favorite thing!

This is what we do when we are not playing golf, shopping or getting our toes done. Bridge is the game and Judy and Rod are the experts!

We teased Judy every day about this expensive very small water mellon from Green River. She says any price you pay is worth it to have a Green River Watermellon.

Picture of the statue. It is huge! Some man started building it and when he died his son took over the project. It was finally finished a couple of years ago. It has a beacon light at the top, it is so tall.

Having a light lunch after church at our favorite roadside taco stand.

Ready to order.

Neal, me, Judy and Ron just going into Sacrament Meeting. Ron is sporting his new shirt that Neal gave him.

Neal's favorite store in the whole wide world!!!

After shopping in his favorite store in the whole wide world. We always stop in Primm to shop. Neal goes right in to Tommy Bahamas and the rest of us go around the rest of the mall. We usually set a time limit of 1 1/2 hours or 2. When we come back and meet at the designated time, Neal will still be in Tommy Bahamas, never having left the store while the three of us will have been all around the mall!

Posing with the actress and actor from Tarzan

Judy and Ron

Rod, Neal and Jeannine

Neal and I have the wonderful opportunity to be invited to go to Mexico a couple of times a year by our friends, Ron and Judy Stanfield. They have a home in Rosarito about 45 minutes over the San Diego border. I've never had a camera along until this year so I've taken lots of fun pictures of our trip.

In the car headed and on our way.

We started out Friday, July 29th about 1 p.m. We met Ron and Judy in St. George, where they have a condo. We went to the stage production of Tarzan, which was fabulous. Then spent the night and left Saturday morning about 9:30. Of course, we had to stop in Vegas at the outlet mall and then again in Primm at Neal's favorite store in the whole world - Tommy Bahama. We all bought stuff we didn't need but had a wonderful time. Neal bought me some birthday presents - shoes, skirt and some pants.

At the Tuacan Outdoor Theater

We arrived in Rosarito about 10:00 p.m. We spent the week golfing, sun tanning, eating fabulous tacos at a road side place, and even found some time to do some shopping for a few souveniers to bring back to the grandchildren. Of course, there was many hours playing bridge.
We had a wonderful week and was able to attend Sacrament meeting with the Saints in Mexico. We don't always understand what is being said, but we always understand the feeling we get from the spirit of the meeting.

I celebrated my birthday on Tuesday. I turned 66! Judy fixed a dinner of shrimp cocktails and steak with all the trimmings. She and Ron gave me a golf glove and golf balls (pink of course) that said, "Life Is Good". I love that logo.

There is a huge (enormous) statue that some guy erected up on a hill. It is kind of a land mark for those going through Rosarito. One evening I was looking for a pair of scissors and I came across a note pad that had some directions on it to get to Judy and Rons place. The note ended with "Just go 2 miles past Jesus". Of course we all knew what the note meant and we laughed and laughed and laughed.

We headed for home, August 8th. We left at 4:30 a.m. so that we could miss some of the heavy traffic trying to cross the border. We also lose an hour coming back to Utah - thus the early leave schedule. We arrived home around 7 p.m. Nice to be back.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun and GREAT post! Even though it took you over three hours to do :) ha ha. I loved seeing your trip! This blog is so fun!
