Friday, May 27, 2022


 I've never really though about retirement.  Somehow didn't think it would ever come.  But, it was time to begin thinking about it and making the decision.  It was a hard decision for me to make and honestly, not one that I looked forward to.  The timing seemed right to step into this new chapter in my life.  I've worked for the Salt Lake County Health Department for 20 years and at 77 I think I've earned now to be able to not have to go to work every morning and basically do what I want and enjoy doing.  People keep asking what I'm going to do now that I'm retired and my answer, at this point, is "whatever I want to".  Seems like an honest answer for someone who has worked all the years that I have.  Neal is one year away from retiring and from there, we will see what the future brings for us.

The County threw a wonderful retirement party for me.  We had all kinds of pies, root beer floats, brownies and rice crispie squares.  Lots of people came to wish me on my way and what I didn't think I would enjoy I have to admit that I loved every minute of it.  

They gave me two gift cards.  One to Talbots for $150.00 and another for Market Street Grill for $160.00 plus an envelope with $120.00 in it.  Eric told me that they had never raised that much for anyone's retirement.  I was deeply touched by the generosity of my co-workers.

This is a picture that was taken towards the end of the party.  From left to right Lauren, Ashley, Nancy (in the back)Lori, Eric, Ron, Debby (in the back along with Mark and Heather) and then me and Dorothy.  This group of people are the ones that I will miss the most.  So very close to all of them!

Same picture but now Lori is smiling instead of being sad.
Lynda Ann came to the party and she also made the darling little gift bags that I gave each person that came.  Everyone loved the bags!  Even had a couple people ask where I got them.  I gave Annie all the credit for making them, ordering the gifts and putting all 50 of them together.  We could easily have had 75 but I honestly did not think that many people would come.  

Thankful for the support of Neal.  Of course, he loves this kind of stuff because he can mingle with people and get their genealogy.  Plus, he knows more people in Salt Lake than anyone I've ever met.  If they are not related then he went to school with them or participated in scouting or dated them!!

This was the bag that Annie put together for me.  Everyone loved them.  

The gift card for Market Street - Totally will be used.  Neal and I love Market Street and go there every chance we have.

My official last day is May 31st.  I will go over on Tuesday the 31st, say my goodbyes, take down my "Jeannine's Hole in the Wall" sign that hangs above my office door and with lots of tears, turn in my key and badge and walk out the back door.  It will be a sad and happy day.

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