Sunday, April 5, 2020

Stay Home Stay Safe

People have to get pretty creative to be isolated from those you love, neighbors, friends, ward members, etc.  Neal and I have done pretty well entertaining ourselves.  Of course we have puzzles that we both love putting together and can spend hours on them.  Here is our latest one.

I've come to realize that even putting a puzzle together with Neal has its moments of Neal being competitive.  Who finds the piece that we've both been looking for?  And who finds it first.  How many pieces you put in?  How fast you find pieces, etc.  It is rather interesting and almost comical.

I realized that we were out of bread and so I decided to make some.  I have to say it turned out delicious.  Almost as good as Lila Mae's!  The difference is that I don't have a bread mixer so I do everything by hand.  This is the dough just put in the bowl to rise.
 Finished product.  Nothing much better than a slice of hot bread with melted butter and some jam on the top.  Yummmmm
 Oops!  The pictures are a little out of order.  Neal snapped this one of me braiding and putting the loaves in the pans to raise before going in the oven.

 Now this is the funny part.  After I was all done with the bread making.  I looked at the bottom of my mixer that had been sitting on the counter and notice that both of the holes were completely filled with bread dough.  And, not only filled with dough but as you can see the dough was actually raising and coming out of the mixer.  Talk about a science fiction plot for a movie!!
 I have to admit that Neal and I busted up laughing over this.  I did my best to clean out the holes but have no idea if the mixer will work again or not.  I'll find out when I make cookies again.

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