Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Spring days

Last Saturday Neal and I went downstairs and opened the front door and the patio door, fixed some breakfast and went outside to eat.  Oh, how I love the warmth of Spring and knowing that the summer days are right behind.

I've watched the daffodils come to life at the entrance of our complex.  The amazing thing is the daffodil bulbs are put in the ground in the fall and then they faithfully bloom year after year in the spring.  The daffodils symbolize hope for me.  In the middle of the dreary, barren winter, there is no sign of the daffodil  bulbs buried beneath the earth.  And yet each Spring I can count on their cheery yellow blooms.

This pandemic has made me feel like I'm in the middle of winter.  There is no sun, no evidence of flower bulbs or any sort of life or cheer.  This pandemic has certainly been a hard and challenging time for all of us.  When all around me looks lifeless and grey.  It's hard to even believe that flowers ever bloomed or ever will again.  That's when I have to dig deep and rely on hope.  I have to remember the moments when I felt God's love and beauty in my life, even though it's difficult to see and feel in the moment.  I know that Jesus Christ lives, loves and cares for me and all of us.  It's that hope that carries me through until the certainty of Spring and daffodils come again.  We will get through this pandemic, of this I am sure.

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