Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Little Bit of Everything!

As I look at the pictures I’ve taken this past couple weeks, I had to smile because they seem to represent bits and pieces but really nothing substantial.  For instance, this first picture of the vase.  When Jamie and I were coming back from Provo we stopped at Hobby Lobby so she could get some clear plastic bulbs for a project she was working on and I ended up buying this vase to replaced the white one. 


The next picture is of a decorated bowling pin.  When our office group was at the bowling alley I remembered that Annie and I have discussed on several occasions how fun it would be to have a trophy to pass around after our Thanksgiving morning family bowling.  So I bought a bowling pin and took a picture of one that is decorated and, of course, passed the project on to Annie!  So, maybe next year we will have a trophy.  The issue is how to figure out who gets the trophy.  If anyone has any brilliant ideas, let me know.


This next picture is a notice that Neal discovered on Maxfield’s Candy business.  He went to buy seconds and was greeted by a closure notice.  Apparently, from everything Neal could find, Maxfield’s Candy Company is gone for good.  Very sad.  It was such a thriving business when Neal was running it and now it is gone.


Emmi stopped by the house on her way to BYU and we noticed the moon just coming up over Mt. Olympus so we both went out on the porch to take a picture or two. 


This next picture is of some pillow cases Susan ask me to make to give to her daughter Sara who loves cats!  I had to take a picture of them because I did such a wonderful job on them. Susan bought the cat material and, as usual, I involved Annie in this project by having her go with me to the fabric store and pick out the material that I added to the bottom to give the cases a bit of pizazz!  The red trim was the final touch and even thought it is about cats (which I hate) they turned out very nicely.  Susan was pleased and that was part of my goal.


This last pictures are of Desmond.  He is such a happy baby and is always willing to pose and smile.  But, you do have to be quick because now that he is walking he has lots of places to go.  I spent most of my time chasing him away from the tree, the presents and the stairs.  He thought it was such a fun game to run from one to the other.  He was persistent and focused  but he never got frustrated with being turned away.  He was determined to open one of the packages but his plans got foiled by his ever watchful grandma.


And pretty much sums up my week except that yesterday I tweaked my back somehow and am now dealing a bit of pain in my lower back.  Amazing how debilitating back pain can leave you.  Plus I also get to deal with a flare up of Diverticulitis.  How lucky can one person be. 

Taylor is speaking in church today and Neal and I so want to go hear her, but I’m not sure that my back will allow it.  If I can’t go, Neal will have to go and represent us and take the dinner out that I’ve prepared for the Cutler family.  I will add here that Maren had to have surgery to remove her IUD.  What should have been a 20 minute procedure ended up being 4 1/2 hours!  We are grateful that she is home and recovering nicely.  If you want more details on surgery you can call her or Greg.  It’s her story and I’m not sure how much she would want me to blog.

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