Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday–a day of rest?

Sunday is always a very busy day for Neal and I.  Between his Bishopric meetings and my RS assignments we seldom get home much before 4 or 5 and usually start the day at about 6:00 a.m.  By the time evening rolls around we are pretty much spent!

This Sunday had two bonus meetings that I was able to attend both of them and Neal was able to get to one of them.  The primary programs are always in the fall so we usually find ourselves bouncing from one to another.  Today was a perfect example.  I’m just grateful that the meetings were not at the same time. 

I went to Grayson’s this morning at 9:00 a.m. and then hurried to River’s at 11:00.  The meetings are across the Valley from each other but with it being Sunday and few cars on the road I was on time for both.  Like most things in the church, the outlined programs were interpreted differently in each primary but the message was the same.  Choose the Right.


River also pointed out that he had lost a tooth that very morning, so we had to take a picture of that.


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