Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New stuff!

We finally gave in and went to RC Willy for their weekend sale and bought a new front loading washer and dryer.  It isn’t as if we’ve needed it or anything.  Just about every time I did a load of wash the washing machine would dance across the kitchen floor.  Do you remember the scene in Overboard where Goldie Hawn is using the old wringer washer and it starts coming at her and she went after it with a plunger?  Well that is close to what mine did.   I would often have to run downstairs when I heard it banging against the dryer or the wall, stop it and push it back in place and then start it up again and let it finish spinning while I sat on top of it to balance it!! Seriously.  I’m sure it would have been quite a sight to behold.  Half the time I thought the tub was going to bang its way right through the shell of the washer!  Then when the cycle was finished I would take the clothes out to put them in the dryer only to discover they were still very wet.  Not much of the water was spun out of them.  So, consequently the dryer worked harder and longer to get the clothes dry.  Yup, that was my life every Saturday!  Finally, I had had enough.  I went to RC Willy on my lunch hour and checked out the front loading washer and dryers and then had Neal go with me on Saturday to look at them.  He knew it was time and we bought them.  The day before they were to deliver them, I had Neal pull out both washer and dryer so that I could clean underneath them.  Wouldn’t want anyone to see any dust or dirt!  (I put that in for Jeff and Mindy)  Anyway, when we pulled out the washer the whole area was covered with grease and oil!!  Black as could be.  It took some serious scrubbing to get the floor clean.  I think that alone convinced Neal that we had done the right thing. 


There is a little more to the story.  When they were delivered and as they unpacked them we noticed there were two small dents on the side of the dryer and one tiny paint chip on the top.  RC Willy said they would give us 10% off and I said, for 3 dents we should get at least $100.00 off and they agreed!  I don’t care about two tiny dents, I just care about a good price, which we got and two working machines that I don’t have to sit on top of! 

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