Sunday, October 28, 2012

Friday night and Saturday

Friday night I hosted a dinner for my Stake Relief Society Presidency and spouses and also invited Linda Knight and her husband.  She was my secretary for over a year when they called her to be the RS President of Farm Hill Ward.  I always worry when inviting guests for dinner.  Of course, I want every little thing to be perfect from a spotless clean home to a delicious dinner and an enjoyable evening.  I think everything went as planned and the dinner of roast, potatoes, carrots, salad, fruit and home made rolls seem to be liked by all.  The dumb thing is that I had my camera sitting right on the side counter and didn’t take any pictures of the group gathered!  I was so disappointed when everyone left and I realized that not one snap shot had been taken.  I did take a picture of the table setting.  Neal and I laughed at how much that dinner cost us.  Well, it wasn’t really the dinner it all started with Neal buying a Tommy Bahama table cloth with matching napkins and finding out that we didn’t have one set of dishes that we could use with the table cloth.  That is when things begin to get expensive.  So I told Neal it wasn’t really the dinner that cost us so much it was his obsession with Tommy Bahama!!


Saturday I went to the gym to run my almost 3 miles.  I ran home and picked up Neal and we went to the farmers market. The picture shows a few items, we actually bought boxes!  This was the last day of the year.  As you can see we bought a little of everything!  Plus they had bakery products so Neal bought two different kinds of breads and a variety of sweet rolls.  From there we stopped at Fresh Market and he bought a fresh scone!  Can you tell, we had not eaten breakfast yet!

IMG_4393ThNext on the agenda was projects and Jaden’s football game. We were supposed to go to bridge at Howard and Tibby’s that evening but Neal was way behind on his school papers so had to choose between Jaden’s football game or bridge and he chose the game.  That was a big choice because Neal LOVES playing bridge.

Later that day I ran some errands and stopped in Macey’s go get some corduroy pants that were on sale.  I ran upstairs to the china department just to see if they had anymore accessories for our ‘new’ china and ran into this:


This is a punch bowl that Spode has just come out with.  I was so excited that I had to take a picture and send it to Neal and see if he was OK with buying it.  He loved it as much as I did so we now have a beautiful punch bowl to go with our Christmas dishes.  Can’t wait to use it during the holidays. It turned out to be an expensive weekend with the dinner, Farmer’s Market and shopping but it sure was a fun one.  Oh yes, I might add that the topper was that bothy BYU and the Utes won their football games. 

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