Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The traditional 4th of July Bingo game with prizes!

Every year Susan puts together a bingo game for the kids and adults. She gathers little prizes all year long and displays them on tables. As the kids get bingo they get to pick out a prize. Susan makes sure that every child has three or four times of winning and going to the prize table to pick out their prize. The adults even get into this crazy game. I won a jump rope, a piggy bank with $2.00 worth of nickles in it and some lip gloss and a little sewing kit for the office.

Andrew won bingo two times and each time went to the prize table and picked out a piggy bank. When he counted his money he was done. He figured he had the best prize of all. $4.00 total from the two banks. He made the comment, "I'm done. I've got my money and I don't need to play any more." Susan said that he came back to her about an hour later and said, "Can I buy a prize with my money?" She just laughed and told him to go ahead a pick out another prize and keep his money. Funny Andrew.

M & M socks for Emmi

Susan even had bags with their name on for each child to put their 'treasures' in. Hayley, Abby and Mallory stuck to the final game and had a bag full of prizes.

Three tables full of prizes!

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