Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Inventive IV's

 Since Lynda Ann has been home from the hospital, it has been impossible for her to get enough liquids down to stay hydrated.  She can only sip very tiny amounts at a time and usually after a couple sips the water makes her choke.  Thus, IV's are needed for a while to keep her body hydrated properly.  Because of insurance issues and other complications it was looking like she might have to travel in to Salt Lake three times a week.  But, being the creative person that Annie is and knowing just who to contact to help her solve the problem, this is what they came up with!

As you can see, they hooked the fluid bag to the fan light and ran the tubbing down to the IV feed.  It worked perfectly and Annie is able to stay at home!  No insurance issues, no doctors offices and no traveling in to Salt Lake!

Very clever solution!  And it sure beats sitting in a doctors office for four hours!!!

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