Sunday, December 5, 2021

My Famous Sister

Saturday found us in Provo at the Outback sharing time and lunch with Susan and Lila Mae.  We were able to exchange Christmas presents, visit and laugh.  There was just Mallory, Annie, me, Susan and Lila Mae but we had such a good time.  I noticed when Lynda Ann was hugging Susan that she had tears and mentioned how glad she was the we still got together.  It has been a long time tradition.  As Annie and I talked about it on the way home, she remembers how much she loved getting together with my sisters and their daughters to go Christmas shopping together and then to the Tiffin Room in ZCMI for lunch.  Lynda said she remembers that I would give her $5.00 to spend.  I too am so grateful that we have kept this tradition going and knowing that my sister is 90 years old I will be grateful for every year that we will have with her.  After lunch Lila and Susan headed home and Annie, Mallory and I went to the Sister Missionary Mall and then to Mallory's apartment and then back to Salt Lake.  It was a great day and we had a wonderful time.  

The highlight of the day was when we went out to the car, Susan showed us a magazine that she gets.  She said she happened to be leafing through it and found an article about Lila Mae. Neither she or Lila Mae had any idea that they were printing this article about her.  My famous sister!!

So very proud of my famous bread making sister!  

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