Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Christmas Eve

This year we had our Christmas celebration the morning of Christmas Eve.  Emmi came into town at 2 a.m. Christmas Eve morning, so it worked out for her to be at the family party.  We had a delicious breakfast and a very fun morning.  One new thing that I introduced was the saran wrap game.  I wrapped a bunch of prizes in a ball of saran wrap.  One person would put on snow gloves and try and peel off layer by layer of the Saran Wrap.  Any prize that fell out while peeling the saran wrap was theirs to keep.  However, the person next to them would be shaking dice and if they shook doubles then you had to pass the ball of prizes along with the gloves to the next person and that person would pass the dice to the person next to them.  The game got quite noisy and very competitive.  Some felt it was too competitive and others felt it was totally worth the fun.  Not sure I will do it again next year.

After the game, we gathered around and read our Christmas book "Leffy's Christmas Gift".  Then presents were exchanged, lots of visiting and then slowly people headed to their homes to get ready for Christmas Eve and traditions with their individual families.

Neal and I cleaned things up, packed and headed for St. George.  We weren't going to go until Christmas Day afternoon but the weather forecast changed our minds and we decided to go before the storm was predicted to hit on Christmas Day.

I don't have a lot of pictures because they haven't been sent to me yet, but I will post the few I have and when I get more I can post more as they come in.  Mindy was my photographer this year and I so appreciated her going around taking lots of fun pictures.  I also need to get some from Neal's phone.

I think everyone had a nice Christmas and hopefully were happy with their gifts.

 The Gertson girls enjoying being together.  So fun to have Emmi here for the holidays!
 Andrew man just chilling.
 Neal and the Cutlers.  We were happy when Taylor was able to get off work and join us.
 This is Leffy the elf.  Cutest elf ever.  Had to buy him to go with the book.
 Annie and Andrew putting the wagon together.
 This picture was one that Tucker sent me of the girls with their Christmas slippers and their Target Gift Card.  Cute picture of all the girls.

 He also sent me this picture of him reading the Christmas book with Leffy sitting on his shoulder.  Such a great picture and I'm glad that they actually read the book.  I hope all of my children are saving their books.  You should actually have quite a collection that you can bring out each year with a special note written in each book from Pa.
A very Merry Christmas to all my children and grandchildren and hopefully a very, very happy and good New Year.  Love you all very much!!!!

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