Saturday, June 15, 2013

Visiting the Sun-Maid Raisin Factory

On the way to the factory we got a little tour of the raisin grape vines.  Then on to the factory where we shopped and took lots of pictures.  We had one little miss hap.  While Hayley was looking for a piggy bank she saw two little pink ceramic pigs with their noses together.  Not realizing the pig noses were magnetic, she picked up one pig and the other came with it and quickly fell to the floor breaking it into many pieces.  Hayley immediately burst into tears.  Just before we left the house Jamie had talked to all the kids about being careful and courteous in the gift shop and not breaking anything.  As fate would have it, something did get broken.  We offered to pay for it but the lady wouldn’t let us.  Hayley finally felt better after shedding many tears.


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